Chapter 20

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Welcome to the final chapter, Chapter 20 - yep I made you wait a month for another chapter for it to be the last one - as I was writing it, it just felt like the perfect place to end it - so thank you everyone for reading voting and commenting, I hope you have enjoyed this story - enjoy this final chapter!!

As light broke into the room, Stiles blinked his eyes open with a sense of peace and calmness that he had not felt in a very long time; a cold air is pushing on his face as he moves his hand to his face feeling an oxygen mask there. The soft pillow below his head and the crunch sheets he could only associate with a Hospital should panic him after what he had been though; but the soft voice speaking in the room filled him with comfort and the feeling of been safe.

He rolls his head to the side so he can see who else is present in the room with him, without hesitation he recognises the person on the phone standing near the door; it was his Father. But how did he remember that?

"I can't, he isn't strong enough yet. Please just keep looking." Noah states in a whispered panic as though trying not to wake Stiles up; unaware the person in question is trying to find the strength to alert him that he is awake.

Stiles removes the mask; he licks his lips trying to get some moisture back into them before trying to reach his hand to grab the plastic cup of water on the bedside table. His strength is still dwindled so he manages just to lift the cup before dropping it; Noah whips around at the sound noticing Stiles is awake before hanging up his phone and moving to help.

"Easy son; here let me." Noah states picking up the knocked over cup and pouring some fresh water out before helping Stiles to take small sips; as he places it back down, he presses the call button on the handle of the bed.

"Dad, is that really you or am I just dreaming?" Stiles croaks out lying back once again against the soft pillows staring at this Dad wondering if this was just a cruel dream or he was finally free.

"Yeah Stiles, it's really me. It is good to see you awake, you had me scared there for a minute that this wouldn't happen." Noah states brushing Stiles's hair from his forehead before placing a gentle kiss, he moves only slightly away to pull the chair as close to the bed as he can.

"What happened? How did I get here?" Stiles asks confused as he tries to piece together his memories but right now everything just feels as though it has been mixed in a blender.

"You don't remember?' Stiles, what is the last thing you remember?" Noah asks hoping he remembers everything, so he doesn't have to relive it all again; he has been without his memories for long enough.

"I remember getting into my Jeep all packed to go to the FBI Academy, the next thing I remember is waking up in a plain white room with a woman's voice saying the same thing over and over again. Next, I remember waking up in a metal box soaking wet before experiencing the worst time in my life; even more then the Nogitsune." Stiles states his breathing picking up as memories returns in flashes before his eyes, his voice breaking more and more.

"I remember breaking free and how foolish I felt thinking we were actually free when we were just trapped once more like mice; I remember ever single death that happened whether their lives taken by myself or because they followed me with a false sense, I could actually keep them safe."

"I remember my heart breaking as Newt, my Newtie, sacrificed himself so I could live and put an end to WCKD's reign. Teresa changing allegiance quicker then I can change a magazine in a gun before saving my life three times before paying the ultimate price. So does that answer your question Dad, I remember every single thing but what I don't know is why I am alive right now and how I remember that my name is Stiles." Stiles rants out as the machine beeps crazy as his heart rate was racing as he let out all his energy and emotion; tears pouring nonstop down his face as spills it all out.

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