3: Chicago police department

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Diego POV

Eli being back was something I had dreamed of for almost two years. After Carlos died and Eli left, I was pretty much on my own. My downstairs neighbor helped a lot, and I talked with Eli every day, but still, I didn't have them there anymore. I know they had thought a lot about what they were supposed to do, but I had to. I knew they needed to go to the cops.

I really don't like cops or the system, but Eli deserves a shot at it. Who knows if they'd find a good home, maybe something to help them. They'd have a chance at an education, a life, a career, everything that they'd be throwing away if they stayed with me. And if it doesn't work, they'll just run away and they'll stay with me. They've done it before and I know they can do it again. 

My brother never did tell me what had happened to Eli, but I knew it couldn't be pretty. I didn't understand it until many years later, but they always put up a smile for me. They would be beaten up and walking with a limp, but never complained when I was around. They'd just smile and ask me how I was even when I saw how they were in pain. Even when they weren't there, they still kept on doing everything for me. They sent me money and made sure I ate and did the schoolwork they gave me.

I know they felt bad about leaving, but I always knew they didn't have any other choice. We did talk about it a lot before they ran away. They did everything they could to help me before leaving. They worked extra shifts even tho it made them miss school, and made sure our neighbors would be there to look after me. Even with hours of nagging, they never told me why they had to leave. 

Back then, I remember asking them to stay or to take me with them. I didn't want them to leave, but I knew it would happen and I knew there wasn't any other way. Even tho I had just gotten them back, I knew I couldn't ask them to stay. I knew I'd have to fight for them to leave, no matter how much I wanted to be with them because they deserved it.

Eli POV.

The next morning Diego was even more adamant about me going to the cops, but I still wasn't sure. I had just gotten back and even with the cops looking for me, we could live the way we always wanted. I could get another job, and we'd live off of that. Maybe I'd get enough to get Diego to school and off the streets. Worst comes to worst, I could always get Carlos' job, but I didn't want to do that to Diego again.

I understood what I would be giving up if I didn't go to the cops, but I don't think Diego will ever understand how hard it was to leave him there. He was my family, everything that was left of it, and I had to leave him alone. I had to leave him to fend for himself in a place I didn't want anyone to live in. I spent almost two years, being scared for him, not knowing how he was or what he was doing. I didn't care what happened to me, but I needed him to be safe. Now I had the chance to stay with him, make sure he'd get the childhood he deserved, and I should be able to say no.

I knew, that Ms. Williams would take care of him, but I needed to be sure, that he was okay. I was so tired of being scared for him.

After many long conversations, I agreed to go to the cops. We compromised on me going there and seeing what they had to offer. If it was shit, I'd run and live with Diego, but I promised him I'd give it a chance. He was a good kid, but he definitely didn't get it from me. He had the same big heart as his brother, and every day I saw more of Carlos in him. Just then I realized, that Diego was older than Carlos had been when I first met him.

The next few days I worked extra hard making sure Diego had enough money to last for a few months as I looked for a new job. 

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