35: Emotions

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Eli POV.

When Monday came around, I was more nervous to go to school, than I was on my first day. There was still a possibility, that Jess was just drunk on Friday, or she regretted it, which would break me. I was stressing about the whole situation the whole weekend and for a while before anything even happened.

Mia was my first love, and if she hadn't been sent away, we would probably still be together, so I felt guilty. I know I shouldn't but I did. I felt like I was cheating on Mia, but it had been two years since we split up. Even, tho we didn't want to, we broke up.

I wrote a song about it like I always do, and I was planning on going to a recording studio to get it done before releasing it, and my brothers were supportive. They already got me a slot in a great studio downtown New York.

The song was simply called Sorry, and I went over, how I was sorry, about what had happened, and how it had ended. I told her, how much she meant to me, but I was sorry, that I had to move on, and I hoped she could too.

I had no way of knowing if Mia was allowed to listen to my music since she was in a strict boarding school, and my music was somehow "devilish". I still hoped, she would somehow hear my songs and forgive me for moving on.

"You still on for Wednesday?" I asked with a smirk, as we walked to class with Jess.

Their mouth curled up into smile that she tried to suppress, by biting her lip, which was really cute.

"Yeah, where are we going?" she questioned with a grin.

"Oh, I'm not telling you. It's a surprise," I said throwing my arm around her shoulders.

On Wednesday, I was waiting outside Jess' home, on a bike, that Antonio let me borrow. It took some convincing just to get my brothers to let me go, but when I played the "wanting to be a normal kid" -card, they agreed with a few groans.

"I thought you didn't have a license," Jess said as she walked out the door.

Jess and Marcus lived in lower Manhattan in a penthouse, that was straight out of a movie.

"I don't but I got a finish, motorcycle license," I said offering the other helmet to Jess.

"When the fuck did you get a finish motorcycle license?" Jess laughed as they got on.

"You don't have one?" I joked before starting the bike.

We rode for about fifteen minutes before I came to a stop in front of the Brooklyn botanical gardens. I just prayed I was right, and Jess would love it as much as I thought she would.

"I've never been before, and I thought it would be cool to see the foliage," I said trying to remain coo, just waiting for Jess' response.

"Oh my God, it's so pretty," they said looking around at the red leaves around us.

I let out a breath, that I was holding and smiled.

"Come on," I said taking her hand in mine and walking into the gardens.

We walked around just talking and joking around, admiring the gorgeous scenery around us. The amazing colors engulfed us into a magical world as we wandered through the archways and trees.

We ended up sitting on a bench overlooking the small body of water, that reflected all the auburn colors mixing with the still green bushes and the leaves floating on the surface.

Eli BorrelliWhere stories live. Discover now