17: Communication...

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Eli POV.

Alessandro came to the conclusion, that I didn't have to go to school for the rest of the week, so I just spent my days locked up in the music room. Music was the only way I knew to work through the pile of shit I was going through. I'd usually drown it all out with drugs, but when drugs betray me and end up as the problem, I'm forced to seek out healthier ways to deal with things.

My brothers were surprisingly cool after a few days. They didn't push me to talk, which I appreciated way too much. To the point, that it made me reevaluate how low my bar was for my family. I landed on the decision, that I would push that question away just like the countless others and hope, that it would never resurface again.

I spent a lot of time with Gabriele in the art room as I was slowly regaining my drawing skills. I used to draw a lot with Diego before I went away even tho he was always better than me. I cooked with Matheo daily and taught him some receipts that were a lot lighter and overall easier for me to eat. He got the clues after a while and I actually walked in on him one day looking over lighter food options, which was once again way over the bar I had set. 

While I was spending more and more time with my biological brother, I was missing Diego more, than ever. I called him multiple times a day as the withdrawals got worse. I'd just leave him on speaker as I did homework or wrote something as he tried to listen to my teachings. even tho I couldn't teach him in person, he'd always pick up stuff from our calls. He was was smarter, than I was at his age and I was a straight-A student.

I was finally able to unpack my sad little bags with a little help from Lorenzo. he tried to keep a straight face, but when Antonio helped us, he didn't even care to hide how much he wanted to throw away my old clothes. My clothes were mostly things I found somewhere or got as a gift. If I had more money, I'd thrift a few clothes that I really liked. 

Antonio stayed and set up my electronics that had been sitting there in their boxes for over a week. It was weird, and I really didn't like taking something so big from them, but Antonio ended up winning the argument and I ended up with a brand new line of electronics for my use.

I couldn't help but wonder if it would end up working after all. Maybe I'd be able to tell them everything. Maybe they'd be able to understand it.

Antonio POV.

We were all sitting at the dinner table, eating something Eli had prepared for us. It was vegetarian meatballs made out of beans, and shit I had never heard about. I didn't like putting something in my mouth I didn't like, but I ended up really liking it, even tho I wouldn't admit it.

"You don't like it?" Lorenzo asked Eli, snapping me back from the food.

Eli hadn't eaten anything all day and barely even talked. We all knew why, but we were waiting for them to start. We all just sat there in silence, watching as Eli tried to form words.

"I was in Finland," they blurted out in almost a yell.

Eli POV.

"That's where I ran to," I explained feeling my cheeks burn up. I never blushed, ever, but my life was something I didn't share that carelessly.

Alessandro put his fork down and leaned forward onto his elbows, Antonio stopped eating for a second, and Lorenzo just nodded for me to continue.

"When I had my chance, I took the first flight out of the country I could get on, and that so happened to land in Germany," I started feeling a block growing in my throat, slowly closing it down.

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