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I entered the class and saw that Mr. Smith wasn't there yet. I looked to wherever my seat was and saw that transfer guy sitting there. He took the seat by the window and was looking outside. He looked like he could be the perfect Pinterest guy since I guess looking anywhere else instead of looking at the camera/front 'pose' is considered an aesthetic or whatever.

I went up to him and took the seat beside him. Now, I wasn't the kind of guy who would kill the person who sat in my usual seat. It's not mine after all.

I pulled the seat beside him backwards and it seemed to catch his attention. "Hey." he said and his voice a lot lighter than it was at the roof. "Oh hi." I said it back in an "oh I didn't notice you sitting here" tone.

"Is this where you usually sit?" he asked. "Yeah." I replied and sat down. "Did I take over your seat or something?" he asked, smiling slightly. "I don't own this seat but yes I guess. How'd you know?" I asked. I really wonder how he got to know.

"You're popular." he said and I just stared at him. "Did you not know that?" he said and let out a small chuckle. "Oh ah how'd you know that?" I asked not knowing why I asked that. Probably because I was in a rush. It was embarrassing.

"Everyone talks about you here and I see people comparing me and you." he said, his smile still there. "Is that so? And about the latter..that's awkward." I said and he kept looking at me. It seemed like he wanted to say something but Mr. Smith entered the class, so he decided to not say whatever he was proceeding to.

Class ended and we both went our ways. After that, classes went by and it was time for lunch break. Finally.

Jason and my other friends were sitting in the same spot where we always sit and Jason waved at me like he always does. I went up to them and took the only seat that was left. The seat beside Jess. They did it again.

"Hey." Jess said and pecked my lips. I smiled at her and looked back at my friends. "Dude did you see Vega?" Jason asked me looking like the curious idiot he was. Don't get me wrong, we're good friends. I just like to call him idiot.

"Yeah. I met him earlier though, just didn't know his name." I said and started eating the food, god knows who brought for me. "For real?" Duke, one of my other genuine friend asked. I replied with a 'mm' as I was too busy eating to explain the whole story.

"I have english with Vega. By seeing the way he talks, I doubt he'll have trouble finding a chick. He's too good." said Mia, Dukes girlfriend. "Woah, stop right there Mia. What if he's not into girls or into both girls and guys? You never know." our bi friend Jayden said. "Stop dreaming Jay, even if he's got some homosexuality in him he would never like you." River our meanest but honest friend said.

"Thank you so much River. That helped a lot." Jayden said and rolled his eyes. "She's right Jay stop dreaming." River's girlfriend said. "Alright that's enough guys. Lunch break will be over and we still wouldn't be done with this topic. Leave it now." Jeremy the smartest in our group said.

Lunch was over and I heard that Damien was going to throw a start of the senior year party. Not only does his name sounds a bit like mine he's also quite popular. Not more than me though. Not being narcissist by the way.

Damien and I were on good terms but we definitely weren't friends. After all he was a snake under that angelic mask of his. Though he never 'hissed' at me.

"Going to the party?" Jess came up from behind and asked. I almost flinched. "Yeah, I wouldn't wanna miss out on getting wasted." I said and Jess just smiled at me. She gave me a smooch and walked to wherever her next class was.

School ended and I finally was able to go home. But I didn't want to go home. Not yet. I was too tired. People would wanna go home the most when they're tired no? Not me though, I get more tired when I reach home.

I went to the parking lot and saw transfer guy there too. He looked at me right when I looked at him. "We've been meeting a lot." I said. He smiled and walked over to wherever his car was. "Yeah." he said and looked up. "Coincidence?"

"Maybe." I said and stood there straight. "I'll be going now then." he said. "Alright." soon as I said that he got into his car and drove away. I still didn't wanna go home.

"What are you doing here?" Jess's voice came from behind. I looked back and saw her walking over to me. "I was about to get in my car." I lied. "Oh damn, okay then. Thought you'd wanna come over." she said and smiled at me. "Maybe next time." I said and gave her a small smile. She nodded and got into her car, driving it off within seconds.

There I was, left alone with no options except going home. Again, I was to blame. I finally got into my car and started the engine, when my phone rang. Mom was calling.

"Hello, Daniel are you on your way home?" the person from the other side of the phone spoke. "Yeah, why?" I replied. "Hurry then, we've got to attend a party regarding business matters within..uh 2 and a half hours. Get here as soon as possible." she said and it was obvious that she was in a hurry. "Can I not go?" I asked. "No." she replied and I cut the phone.

And that is why I said, I get more tired when I reach home. I was really exhausted and didn't wanna move but fuck my luck, right? After mentally and loudly cursing life for a few more times, I started to drive in hopes that I don't mess up today.

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