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"Do you not want to?" Vega asked. After Vega asked me to call him..his first name I was a bit taken aback. He said it was only for close people. "No! No, I didn't mean to react that way, it's just I remembered something you said previously but I'm pretty excited to call you..-" I stopped. Took a breath.

"-Elias." and finished. It felt weird to say his first name out loud. Maybe he sees me as a friend now and that's why he wants me to call him his first name because Luis calls him that too.

Vega—Elias was an unreadable person. I could barely read him. But I doubt I've ever observed him enough. All those times when I wanted to I let them go because that didn't sit right with me.

Fuck, I was stuck in a mess. A mess my own stupid full of dog shit head made and I was to clean up after that.

"Then I want you to call me Daniel. It sounds more natural." I told him and he nodded. "Alright, Daniel." he said and what the fuck. My name sounded so uh weird? Weird in a good way.

Before it could get any awkward, Veg—ELIAS, got a call. He excused himself and went outside. Now it was my time to keep my dog shit of a head distracted. Distracted from any foreign thoughts.

But no. Dog shits still stinks even after cleaning up. I think. Because I kept on thinking about it and came across a thought. Maybe I like Ve—ELIAS. Now I didn't have a problem with that thought neither did I feel repulsed. But there was a problem.

I have never actually like liked someone. It was just liking someone. Confusing and ridiculous, I know.

Now that was just absurd. Why would I like him? Yeah he gives me time, genuine time. Yeah I forget about my tiring social life, family, school stuffs when I hang out with him. Yeah I like the way he keeps up a conversation and how he's just straight up bold. But that wasn't enough reasons to like someone.

Or was it? Because the next time we met. His eyes fell onto my lips for 3 seconds before he looked back at me again and I felt my stomach tighten at that.

I had had enough and needed to do something. So, I did what I think was the best. I called Luis. We exchanged numbers before leaving..Elias's house that day.

"Hey! How come you suddenly called Dan?" Luis said from the other side of the phone. "Oh, I was just bored and felt like talking. Also I just seemed to notice that I don't know much about you or about Vega. So I thought I'd listen to some stories and get even more bored." I said and he laughed. His laugh was vicious.

I used Vega instead of Elias because that would seem suspicious. A strange dude calling Vega Elias and then wanting to know more about him? Pretty suspicious.

"Sure. I've got a lot of time to get you bored." he said before we took a dive into the stories he had. And lord did that age well. The lot of time to get you bored. He had been blabbering for about 45 minutes and not a single word about Elias.

My patience was reaching it's limit but he decided—thank god; to talk about Elias before I could cut the call on his face rudely.

"Hmm about Elias. He's a nice and cool guy. He's rich, he's bisexual and don't worry I'm not outing him or something. He's openly bi. He has a ragdoll named Miel. He's into girls who are 5'4 to 5'6 more. His preference into guys is more like skinny-toned and 5'8 to 5'9. That ass likes to assert dominance but that suits him." Luis blabbered a lot about him and I seemed to take note of it all.

I shortened our talk after taking Elias's information. What Luis said just proved that how much of an absurd thought I had after he looked at my lips. I thought that he was kinda interested. All the details I got about his type in guys just made that thought a joke.

Skinny-toned? 5'8-5'9? Hell nah. I am not bulky. I'm lean but weighed perfectly. Not skinny for sure. Also my height it's 5'11. So the chances of him changing his type in guys and liking me was none more than 1 percent.

It was ridiculous, funny and everything absurd in this world. I laughed it off by myself but something wasn't feeling right. But Daniel Wilson never digs deep into things and just leaves. Walks out. Maybe that's why my life's so sad and weird.

Before I could think more shit about my 'sad' life the door was opened by someone. By Elias. "You talked with Luis for a while." he said and sat down in front of me. "Yeah, he's fun to talk to. At least he can make me laugh." I responded and he chuckled.

"I haven't seen you around with your parents much. Shouldn't you be staying with them?" he asked and I sat there still. "Sorry, I probably shouldn't have asked." he apologized. I guess he caught on.

"It's alright. How about I tell you that before going to bed? I bet that'll be quite a bedtime story." I said and forced out a smile while he remained expressionless and just nodded.

This was not what I needed. Not what I needed at all actually. My head started hurting from thinking about those parents stuffs. It was exhausting. Severely exhausting.

Before I could go into my unusual stressed mode my friends barged into the room. The previously peaceful room was now filled with loud noises. As much as it annoyed me, I was still relieved. I didn't have to fight my thoughts. Not for the time being. Not yet.

Maybe now was not the time to worry or wallow in worry. Maybe the time to wallow in worry is just before I shut my eyes close at night. Then forgetting everything the moment it shuts down. And for now, I was alright.

I had time, friends, distractions and at night Elias.

[ 2 chapters in one day for my previous irregularities and an advance apology for my future irregularities.]

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