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Everyone almost ran out of the class just as the bell rang. I guess they really hate chemistry. Chemistry's not that bad though. I mean everything except english can suck my dick but chemistry is not that bad.

Just as I exited the class I saw few of my teammates standing there waiting for me. "What's up?" one of the guy asked. "Shut up with that same old question dude." I said and walked past him. "Woah, you in a bad mood?" another guy asked. I replied with a small 'yea' and walked past all of them, walking in front now.

"You coming to Damien's?" a guy named Josh asked. He was one of the people I actually bothered to recognize from the football team due to his good playing skills. "Yeah." I said. After that they all started talking about games and girls while I eventually got bored.

Now, I loved talking about games and girls but today was obviously not a good day to talk about those. I was exhausted from the party yesterday and all I heard from people in school today was about Damien's party and If I was going, since I never attended any of his parties.

I just didn't like being with him for too long. I don't like him but I don't dislike him either. I just don't want anything to do with him because who knows when he causes trouble.

Damien was always going through attention-hunger. So, that was another reason to not be friends with him. I love attention but I hate seeking it. If you're attention worthy it'll come to you eventually so, why go through so much trouble.

I was walking along with them when Jess's voice came out of no where. "Daniel!" she called out my name. I turned my back to face her and saw her standing with Mia. I told her and Mia to walk up to us and they did.

"What is it?" I asked. "I want you to come with me and watch the small swim race our swim team is having." she said and looked at me with hopeful eyes. It's obvious that she wants to see guys' hot bodies and purposely drool on it to make me jealous but it of course, never works.

"I don't want to and I have football
practice." I said. Just as the negative word came out of my mouth her whole face darkened and she pouted. "It won't take time, I promise." she said, refusing to take 'no' as an answer.

Before I could say anything more Mia spoke. "Do this for once and she won't make you hook up with her in Damien's party." She said and my eyes unconsciously sparkled. "Okay." I said in less than a second and Jess looked shocked but she didn't argue more.

"When is it?" I asked. "After school." Jess replied. "Come to my locker after classes end." I said and she nodded.

Classes flew by and it was already time for my last class of the day. It's surprising that I didn't feel the need to skip one or two classes today. I would get away with skipping classes because I always got straight As.

I wouldn't say that I had some uncanny power that helped me memorize or do stuff after seeing it once but If I read something attentively for an hour or two, I can get it done properly. It means that I had to study to get good results and didn't get them with some talented kid powers.

My parents would kill me if I don't get straight As  so, I didn't have any other options but to study hard after I go home. My life in school is so different. As I was getting lost in my chain of thoughts about life and stuffs, someone's 'hey' broke it for me.

I looked back and saw that it was that transfer guy. Then it hit me that it's English, I'm attending right now. "Hey, I didn't notice it was English right now." I said and he smiled slightly.

"Can I take over your seat today too?" he asked. I smiled slightly when he asked that. It was kinda silly. "Why though? Do you like that seat?" I asked. He nodded and said, "I get to stare outside without the teacher catching me, 'cause I get to hide behind you."

"You're 6'1 the teacher will catch you anyways." I said and he smiled. "I can still try."

English ended and transfer guy hurried out of there. When I got out of the class I saw Jess there waiting for me. "It's about to start in 10 minutes. Let's go and pick Mia up on the way." she said and I nodded. "Will Duke come too?" I asked. She nodded and we kept walking together.

"I get to see hot bodies today." Mia said and Duke frowned. "Am I not hot enough?" Duke asked and Mia just ignored him. After that Duke kept on whining till Mia gave him some attention. Then again when Mia turned back to Jess to talk about hot bodies, god that sounds so weird— Duke started sulking.

The others stopped making noise when an announcement was made about the race starting in 5 more minutes and soon enough the swimmers were standing on the spot where you stand before diving into the water.

I wasn't interested in any of that at all and was tapping my phone away instead of focusing but Jess's voice caught my attention. "Mia look it's that hot transfer guy! I told you Elias had a hot body. I knew it." she said and I looked at her. She was looking somewhere and as I followed her gaze, my eyes landed on that transfer guy.

"God look at those abs. Oh my god no those got to be six packs. Jess isn't he supposed to be just a high school kid?" Mia said and Jess replied with 'shut up and be glad he's a high school kid.'

Dude's really got a body that can be called hot. Not that mine wasn't, again not being narcissist. This guy really is good looking. The swim race started and it took a little while until it was over. Transfer guy was the winner. Cliche ending where hottest guy is the winner but it kinda made sense considering it's him. I don't know how but it did.

Also judging by the people around him it seems like he made a lot of 'friends'. I told Jess that I was going to leave. She insisted I stayed a bit more but she let me go eventually. I got up and my eyes landed on the transfer guy and he unconsciously looked up at me.

We stared at each other for a few seconds and then he gave me the same affiliative smile. I smiled back, confused and got out of there. I got into my car, started the engine and started to drive. I noticed one thing though.

He smiles a lot.

The Transfer guy (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now