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"Daniel, hurry." mom said almost annoyed at the fact that we were late by 2 minutes. This perfectionist, lord help me. I hurried out of the car and saw my parents standing beside each other. One disappointed at me and another also disappointed at me. Life looking really beautiful lately huh.

I followed them as they entered a huge hall full of people who belonged to the high classes of America. Everyone formally and neatly dressed. Maintaining the etiquettes as well.

My parents spotted my uncle from the crowd and my uncle seemed to notice us too because he was walking our way. We greeted each other politely and uncle started introducing us to some people. I greeted some people with my business smile plastered to my face. I hated these banquets.

Half an hour passed like that and I was bored to death. I was also highly annoyed at the fact that I couldn't annoy anyone there for the sake of our reputation. I was almost zoning out when my uncle called me. I went up to him and he said that he wants me to meet that businessman's son.

I nodded and he took me to wherever his son was, my parents tagging along as well. Uncle was no longer walking with me, instead he walked past me and shook his hand with the businessman. Beside him stood his wife but I couldn't see his son anywhere. Then I noticed a guy suited up in full black approaching the businessman from behind.

He came closer and stood beside his father I suppose. His face became clear the very moment he stood beside the businessman. I was shocked and so was he. I could see it in his eyes but his posture remained calm like mine. It was Vega. Vega was standing right in front of me. He was definitely not who I expected the 'son' to be.

"Nice too see you here." he said and smiled. My parents and uncle looked at me and so did his parents. "Do you know him?" My uncle asked behalf of everyone I'm guessing. "Yeah, we know each other from school." I replied. "Acquaintances." he added and smiled.

"That's great. Now you guys have someone your age and someone you know to keep yourselves accompanied." a woman who looked 5'8, quite taller than the average American women's height and most probably Vega's mother, said. Vega and I nodded.

They talked business crap for some more time before leaving to meet other people and left me and Vega alone. "Do you like this banquet?" I asked. "Yeah, totally." he said in a sarcastic tone.

"Wanna leave?" he asked and I just stared at him for a few seconds before he spoke again. "Like not leave leave but let's just get out of this place till 8. We'll be meeting in a room at 8 and not before that. Also it's only 7 now, so we could easily go and come back within 45 minutes." he explained, more specifically this time.

"What are we waiting for then?" I asked, my insides flooding with excitement at the thought of getting out of this shithole. "Your approval?"

Was he kidding now. It seemed like he was asking my hand in marriage. He's too polite. "You're way too nice for your own good Vega. Now let's go before one of our parents notices us." I said and we both left in secrecy.

"What time is it?" I asked. He quickly looked at his watch and turned his head back to me. "7:30." he replied shortly. We walked around for a little while after that and we realized it's already 7:45 and we had to leave.

"Aw man. I seriously didn't wanna leave just now. That whole banquet thing tires me out. Doesn't it tire you?" I asked and he just cracked me a smile. "Is that something you have to even ask?" he said while looking at me. We stared at each other for a while before turning our heads back.

"Should we just not go?" he asked and I was actually shocked. "Your parents won't scold you or some?" I asked back and he shook his head. "Not really but if they do scold me for today, I can deal with it." he said, turning towards me. "What about yours?" he asked.

"They're definitely killing me." I said and he chuckled. "Alright, so what do we do? Get you killed or save you?" he asked and I laughed. "Let's get me killed today."

9 pm. We roamed around like homeless people till 9 pm. We skipped the party and we—I mean I was probably gonna get scolded a lot but it was better than suffocating in that shithole. "Let's go, the 'shithole' is gonna end within 15 mins or half an hour. So, we should probably go." he said and I nodded.

In the mean time, he had known that I call banquets 'shithole' and he agreed that they live up to that name. He was really a chill guy. I doubt if I've ever had a friend like him. Though he's my acquaintance and not 'friend'. Not gonna lie it would be nice if he was. He looks a cool guy to rely on. Not that I need reliance, or maybe I do. But no one needs to know that.

My owns parents couldn't be the source of my reliance, so how could others be. Depending only on myself was hard sometimes but it was resistible.

We reached wherever the banquet was being held, at 9:10. We saw everyone getting out of there. Well not everyone but most of the people. We spotted our parents in the midst of that 'disciplined' crowd. Seems like our parents has gotten quite close to each other.

Vega's mom spotted us and waved her hand slightly to us. Probably telling us to come over. I told Vega and we walked towards them. I was fully prepared to get nagged or scolded by my parents but to my surprise that wasn't the case.

They were all smiley and stuff. Which was uh...quite unusual. Did the Vegas cast some magical spell on them or what. I turned my head to Vega and saw him looking at me. He smiled in a calm manner when he saw me looking at him too.

I didn't get the point of all the smiling but I didn't dislike it. It was quite amusing. It wasn't anything near bad. It was actually quite nice to have someone smiling at me genuinely. It made me feel some sort of way.

He treated me in a calm, relaxed, chill and nice manner. He was definitely friendly but his smile and gaze was something else. I didn't even realize that I was getting so observant until he asked me if there was something on his face. If I was my usual self I'd probably ask him the same thing but for some reason, I couldn't.

I couldn't say anything and the reason for it was undefined. His gaze and his smile was what I wanted to know about so badly. They were unreal. His smile made me feel relaxed. His gaze made me feel calm. It was as if he had this uncanny power to keep me still.

I shook this feeling off. It was probably because I never met someone like him before. It had to be that. Other than that I didn't have any reason to feel that way or at least that's what I think.

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