The Forgotten Daughter

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The Hirasawa household is known as a safe haven for many myths. When Koneko Hirasawa created the mansion for her family and those who relied on her she made a deal with the gods above to recreate a shield that would defend them from the myth hunters. Only those granted access by Koneko herself could enter the area.

I had to get special permission to enter it myself. Koneko was a legendary werecat, it was difficult to look at recent history without finding her name. When I stood before her my knees were trembling. I was much younger then, the Anames had taken me to their mansion for the first time. It was amazing, the entrance for it was through two trees that had twisted together but there was enough of a gap it was like a doorway. Beside the mansion, two massive dragons lay coiled. Though asleep they would be ready to spring into action if myth hunters were to try anything. Between those two trees, Koneko Hirasawa had been waiting for me. Bright green eyes bearing down onto me.

When she has given me access I beheld the mansion for the first time. It was in a clearing within the forest, massive beautiful gardens surrounded it. They were filled with the most beautiful mythical and exotic flowers. But the mansion itself was unique, it seemed to be formed out of a tree, or perhaps a massive ancient tree had grown on top of it. Its roots gripping tight to the building, covering it. It was wondrous.

One summer day, a few days after the summer solstice something awful happened at the Hirasawa mansion.

Elvira was thought of as the only pureblood princess but it was not true. There was another that could have taken that title. Lorelei was not born to the King and Queen but she was a vampire and her powers rivalled the purebloods that existed there. Lorelei had been born in the mansion though she was exiled for reasons well hidden.

On this fateful day, Lorelei returned to her birthplace. A hole was ripped open in the roof of the mansion and Lorelei leapt into the room that Koneko was asleep in. With a swing of a bronze blade, she took off the head of the werecat and lept back out of the mansion. One tried to stop her but she was too fast and got away, carrying the head of the werecat with her.

Caelestis was in the vampire lounge at the time. They tried their best to avoid the summer sun and had spent most of the break indoors. At the edges of his consciousness Caelestis knew something was profoundly wrong. He looked to his brother who hadn't seemed to have noticed anything and to his sister who shared a similar concerned expression on her face.

Caelestis slowly stood up and stepped toward the door, he listened carefully and could hear chaos breaking out further down in the mansion. Suddenly the door burst open.

Ephvangeline stood there, her hair flared out around her and a terrified look in her eyes, "We have to hide!"

"What the fuck is happening right now?" he asked, staring into her crazed cat eyes.

"Koneko was killed," she barely managed to get out.

Behind them one of the vampire girls, Tsukiko whispered, "I feel sick..."

"I don't care," Ephvangeline hissed, "we need to hide."

Lizette stood up, Kayin following her lead along with the rest of the vampires who had been lounging about. "Where?" Lizette asked.

"Down in the basement!" Ephvangeline shouted, already running down the hall.

"Come on everyone!" Kayin yelled and they followed Ephvangeline.

Caelestis' expression was dark, he was trying to calculate just what exactly this would mean in terms of his own safety and the safety of the vampires. He wanted to press Ephvangeline for further details but they were just trying to keep up with her.

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