On the Attack.

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Caelestis and I found Shizuka sitting alone in her room. I opened the door and there she was. Already nervous and on edge, like some weird little cave animal.

"What do you want? If it's nothing important, go away," she snapped at us. So damn rude to the person who let her stay here.

"We're just checking on you, why so nervous?" I asked.

"I don't need checking up on, thanks," she bit back like a little annoying chihuahua. Also completely avoiding my question.

"Well actually you do. How are you and Katsu going?"

"I think he's fine. If you want to know about him, go ask him."

"But what did he do to you?"

"Nothing..." Shizuka looked extremely on edge.

Caelestis picked up on it too, "What's up with you?"

Like scared prey, Shizuka's eyes darted around, "What's up with what?"

"You're hiding," I told her with a firm voice.

"I have nothing to hide and there's nothing to tell that will interest you," she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You can tell us... it's fine. We've all done it," My voice was calm as if I was trying to approach a timid wild animal, perhaps a deer since her nickname was Shika.

"What are you implying?" she squinted at me.

"With Katsu."

She blushed slightly, "Don't bother me and stop gossiping about me. If knowledge is what you want, I'll tell you right now that pursuing a relationship with Katsu right now is a little too.... Mature for me right now so there's nothing to get excited about."

"So he tried?" I asked. I knew I could crack this girl. Maybe it would impress Caelestis.

"I don't feel mature enough for all that yet so you guys go live your lives and I'll be here living mine," came Shizuka's bland answer.

"Did he feel good?" I whispered seductively.

Shizuka snapped at me, "Stop asking me provocative questions!"

I shrugged and looked at Caelestis, "She tough Caelestis, you try."

Caelestis looked down the bridge of his nose at her, "Well something must have happened for her to respond this strongly about the topic."

"I'm not hiding anything," she responded way too quickly.

I took a second to think. I needed to place my questions carefully to get her to admit it without realising it. Katsu had red spiky hair and blue eyes. He was built solidly. Much like his father. In fact he looked a lot like his father Itsuki Hirasawa, only younger. I knew from overhearing conversations that Shizuka was very close with Koneko Hirasawa so much so that she considered the werecat a mother figure. So perhaps she was also close with Koneko's husband. Her husband who looked very much like his son. And there it was.

"Did he remind you too much of Itsuki when he was on top of you?" I asked, leaning closer.

"Just stop. It didn't even cross my mind," Shizuka said defensively.

But she didn't realise it.

She just admitted it.

I smiled a huge supervillain smile, "Confirmed."

Shizuka went bright red and huffed, unable to get a word out. I don't think she expected to be outsmarted by someone like me. But that's right Shizuka I can look sexy and still outsmart you. Oh and be keeping you protected right now.

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