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With our heads held high, we rode back to the capital. Our plan was a success. We effectively pushed the enemy out of our kingdom.

It took us a while, though. Eleven months to be exact. We sent false intel to the mole —who we now know is our High Priest— and ambushed them when they least expected it. We pushed and pulled, day and night. From summer to winter. Until the last of the enemy forces fled to their side of the border.

People stood on the sidewalks clapping and cheering while our cavalry made its way to the palace.

"Good fortune to the King's men! May the gods bless them and their kin for their brave deeds!" They shouted as the palace's front gates parted.

On the front steps of the courtyard, Uriel's envoy anxiously awaited our arrival. "Your Majesty, The King, is overjoyed by the news that his troops have returned victorious from the battlefield. Please, His Majesty is looking forward to your report in his private audience chamber." He said when we dismounted.

The tapping of our shoes and the clanking of our armor echoed in the halls of the grand hallway. "He should have met us in the courtyard to debrief us. It's the least he could do after all we've done for him and his kingdom these past few years," mumbled Calim.

"He's been busy trying to deal with our mole."

He snorted, "He hasn't done anything since we told him who it was. So I doubt that's the reason he's too busy to meet us at the courtyard. Hmph, making us walk all the way to his audience chamber."

A sigh passed through my lips. He's tired and worn down like the rest of us and is looking forward to going home. That's why he's being such a grouch right now.

Stopping in front of a grand door guarded by two royal knights, I announced, "Supreme Commander Nubilus and Grand Commander Acoma with reports from the battlefield." The knights nodded and opened the door for us.

"Commanders! Welcome!" Uriel stood from his seat and approached the battle-worn men.

"What, he was too busy counting the diamonds on his crown? Is that it?" Calim muttered under his breath

Without missing a beat, I sidestepped Calim and shook Uriel's waiting hand. "It's a pleasure to be here as we bear good news."

"Yes, thank you so much for everything, commanders." He outstretched his hand towards Calim and shook his hand. "So, what is the good news? And may I say, Iskander, it has been what. Five years since we have last seen each other? Well, since the war started and you have not aged a day. You too, Commander Acoma."

"Thanks," Calim responded a bit too harshly.

He cleared his throat. "So, what is the good news?"

"Well, as you know. We were able to successfully push the Wallerian forces out of the kingdom and reinforced our borders to prevent it from happening once again. We also captured the main collaborators in the mole's network of classified information. They're on their way to the prison cells right this instant."

"Good! Good! Let us see if we can finally put an end to this once and for all." He went to take a seat by his desk.

"As soon as you're ready, Your Majesty, Calim, and I can set out and apprehend him." My feet inched forward, eager to end this conflict and go home.

"Yes, but we should not be too hasty, though. This is a very delicate matter. The citizens will not react kindly if we take him in without substantial proof. I also need to investigate and see if he has anyone planted in the palace aiding him in his actions." He played with the quill on his desk, placing it in its holder and taking it out again. "In the meantime, we should keep this on the down-low. We do not want him to figure out we are unto him. Because if he gets wind of our intentions, he will lock himself in that temple of his and command the independent temple guard to attack us. Then all hell will break loose." He tidied up his already organized desk. "Besides, you need some time for yourselves. It has been a long five years. You deserve to rest." He stood up and grinned. "But, first. You're staying for the feast, right?"

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