Believe Me

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Isn't it ironic?

The three middle letters of 'believe' are



Addyson "Addy" Alway has done horrible things in her life. Lying about sexual relationships with a teacher, burning down a convenient store, destroying a church's nativity set, and so much more her town hasn't forgiven her for. Everyone has their own opinion on her, and not the good kind.

Over the summer before senior year, Addy decides to change and turns her life around to become a better person. No more lying. No more destroying. No more pain. Addy is free of that. Or is she? The unimaginable happens to Addy at her brother's Back-To-School party. All she wants to do is forget That Night and move on, but she can't. When she speaks up, no one believes her and her town crowns her a liar.

How do you make someone believe a liar?


Trigger Warnings: This story contains sensitive topics such as sexual assault, mentions of suicide, eating disorders, and abuse.

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