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SUMMARY: Years of tension under the surface between two friends comes to a head one night, leading them to believe that some relationships are just inescapable, no matter how forbidden they may be.
CONTENT: Cheating, fingering, penetrative/protected sex, unhappy/open ending



Waking up to a cold, lonely bed has to be one of the worst feelings in the world. It's right up there with having wet socks, spilling hot coffee on yourself, being unable to start your car when you're running late, and being in love with your best friend who happens to be committed to someone else.

Mix one bad feeling with another, and you have a cocktail worse than the ones you drank last night— the ones that led you to this misery in the first place.

It's like some sick and twisted chain of dominoes that keeps going on forever and ever until, eventually, it ends with your brutal demise.

Right now, you can feel the end coming up rather quickly.

Still, you grab your phone anyway, already regretting the many texts you're sure you'll be subjected to read that explain how last night was a mistake and how he needs some space. He won't say it, but you know the so-called space will most likely be spent doting on his loving, perfect girlfriend who has no idea he spent the night prior doing the same sensual things with his best friend.

It makes your stomach churn, yet you brace yourself and turn the phone on to face the consequences.

To your surprise, the only notifications you have are tagged photos of the party. Golden balloons, the large chocolate cake you baked and decorated yourself, smiles, hugs, drinks, friendship, and celebration. It floods your feed, allowing you to feel genuinely proud of and happy for Spencer and his promotion to Unit Chief without all the attached shame and unrequited longing.

And then one mere scroll below is a brand new picture posted just a few minutes ago, and your heart sinks.

You don't even know why you followed her. But there she is in all her beautiful, natural glory, still radiant even having just woken up. Spencer is next to her, hair tousled and face buried into her neck with a tired smile. The caption below reads, Lovely morning with my man after his promotion! Sad to have missed the party, but I'm glad you got home safe after celebrating with friends and loved ones. Well deserved, babe. Love you tons <3

Each word is like a stab in the chest, making it harder to breathe until the final crushing weight of what you did last night drags you under the covers and into an abyss of tears.

What's even worse is that you don't feel sorry for what you did.

There's a part of you, of course, that feels awful for sleeping with a man in a committed relationship to someone else, someone who happens to be kind and genuinely good for him... It's not fair to her in the slightest, and if she ever finds out it would probably crush her soul.

But that feeling of guilt is only surface-level in comparison to the fact that he willingly slept with you, looked you in the eye, and said without an ounce of alcohol in his body, "I've got you, Sweetheart... I've always got you..."

Just for him to leave you in the middle of the night without a word or a note or anything.

Just for him to crawl back to her like it meant nothing.

Like you meant nothing.

Still, through the tears and the violent shakes of your body as you try to rid yourself of him, his hands are caressing your skin, his lips are capturing yours with sweet urgency, and the sun continues to shine through open windows, bathing your darkness in vivid light.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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