What happens to a CH after they get deceased

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What happens to a CH after they get deceased?

-> When a Country gets deceased or replaced or die,,,,,They don't go to Heaven or Hell......But to their own, Personal Afterlife where they live their.......Dead life?....
BUT there is something.....

I'll try to explain this properly........

Basically.....if a Country/Empire/Dynasty or Anyone,,,,Is hated by a lot of other Countries/Empires/Dynasties or ANYONE (Except humans) they will not be able to......meet other Countries/Empires/Dynasty....OR ANY BODY....
In the center of Afterlife where Dead and Deceased Cou-.....Countries/Empires/Dynasties or ANYONE can meet and talk to each other (They are also HELPED to make their relations better with whom they had bad relations)......(Lords help them)....

The least hated or The Countries/Empires/Dynasties who are NOT AT ALL HATED (Rare...) Can also watch over their family......

But....As I mentioned before- They don't go to Heaven or Hell.

With that i end this.

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