Chapter Three

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"You are not going to jail, Katie." Wes said nonchalantly, even though he himself was a pretty anxious person, just like Kate herself. The blonde was sure that their ever growing anxiety was a result of school work and college PTSD. She specifically liked to blame that one teacher they happened to both have when they were sharing a class who, for some reason, picked on the most gifted students of the college - which Wes and Kate were - and made their lives even worse. But clearly, Wes was better at either hiding it or he had completely gotten over it.

Kate assumed it was the former.

The blonde girl made a sound that resembled a mixture of chocking, crying and whining before taking a deep breath and giving in.

"Okay, fine. Have it your way."

There wasn't much she could actually do now, anyway. It's not like she could grab Sonnie by the ear and lock her in the lab. She did entertain the idea, of course, anything to keep them all safe, but Sonnie was like a head taller than her, with thin muscles all over her body, whereas Kate was short, and while she did try to work out, sometimes she was still in no condition to over power the pilot.... Who was now a beastie that could tear her head off? Those weren't good chances, and she wasn't going to take them.

Instead, she turned around, making a beeline for her black backpack that was lying abandoned in the corner of the lab. Grabbing it, she made her way to the desk, where she started moving everything to make space for her things, and flipping them back on the desk. She was simply not in the mood to search for the things she needed. Meanwhile, she was aware of the three pairs of eyes following her every move.

"What are you doing?" The leader of the group finally asked , her accented voice rang through the lab though Kate did not bother to look at her as she picked up a brown leather case that was about two times the size of her palm, undoing the knot that kept it closed.

"Well, you want to fight in two days, right?" she finally glanced up at the woman, keeping eye contact as she nodded in response. "Great, that means I have to run every single test before that to make sure that you are not...." she trailed off looking for the right word.

"Disfunctional." Sonnie filled in for her

"Luv, you are not dysfunctional," Ivrina reassured her, softly. Clearly, it pained her to hear her teammate say something like that to describe herself and that obvious pain was enough to make Sonnie nod at her friend. She didn't believe her, but for the sake of her friend, she pretended she did. She had this weird feeling, being in this body for this long is not something easy after all. It was exhausting, and she felt like she was simply occupying an empty shell; not her body.

"In pain." Kate finally decided was the best way to describe the state she did NOT want Sonnie to be in " not dysfunctional."

Finally, she unfolded the case, laid it out on the desk, giving the three a clear view of her tools. Wes grimaced, being quite familiar with some of them and, while Ivrina had been a nurse, some of these tools were clearly medical but others looked like they came out of her worst nightmares. Sonnie did not have any visible reaction, she did feel her stomach drop though, and that was the first thing she actually felt in this body.

"So, we are testing all these out today."

Sonnie gulped, Kate just looked at her sympathetically

The blonde licked her lips nervously, her eyes flickering over the numerous tools she had in front of her; every one was for a specific test,  and some were far too painful, so she was trying to avoid them and spare Sonnie the pain, but leaving all the painful ones for the end would probably be too much then.

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