Chapter Seven

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Sonnie looked around carefully, with Khanivores eyes everything seemed the same and different

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Sonnie looked around carefully, with Khanivores eyes everything seemed the same and different. She watched Kate move around the room, going from the human charging pod Sonnie's body was currently in, to the beastie pod she was floating in. 

"Okay, so, from Khan's data-" 

"Khan?" interrupted the voice from the speaker. Sonnie was finding herself more and more grateful for the speaker situation, being able to use her voice made her feel more at ease and the blonde woman didn't seem to mind as long as she wasn't being a bother to her thoughts.

Suprisingly enough, communication with Kate came easily.  Which allowed some friendly teasing here and there.

"Khanivore is too big." Kate explained with a wave of her hand

"Sonnievore isn't?" 

The speakers made the laugh sound a bit scary but Kate enjoyed it nevertheless.

"Hence why I said, Khan!" The blonde threw her hands up, her glare lacking in animosity or frustration  "Will you let me continue?"

The blonde took the silence as her que to continue.

 "As I was saying, from the said data it says that Khan has a mixed DNA of different animals so what I wanted to ask before you so rudely interrupted me -don't roll your eyes at me- was about how you can see stuff?"

The pilot took a second, gathering her thoughts trying to find the best way to explain it to Kate. Once she finally managed to explain it as confidently and accurately as she could, Kate sat on the top of the desk silently, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth and scratching the back of her neck in thought.

"So," she finally said "you can see like a lizard. Then what about the rest of the DNA? You got a spiders, a squids or something like and-" she checked her tablet " an ecnida's."

"The main point of those are shown on the body. Squid for the tentacle blades, for example." Sonnie was suddenly realizing the girl didn't know a lot about beasties or fights. Just what she needed to know to get by.

At the mention of tentancles Kate looked up from her tablet, clearly distressed "The what?" she choked out.

"The tail."

"Ah, and here I got scared." she casually said.

Sonnie suddenly realized what had crossed Kate's mind "You are fucked up in the head."

"You would've thought the same!"

Kate threw back not bothering to hide her laugh at the obvious fact that Sonnie was the distressed one now.  It was clearly a shared trauma, amongst most of the people their age.

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