Lunch and the Park

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After a while of watching shows Jake grabs Lisa's and mines hand and brings us to the bathroom. There I noticed I wet my self pretty bad and Lisa almost leaked. Jake lied us down and changed us once we had new Pull Ups on we went to lunch. We went to the most kid place for food in town Mic Arnold. We ordered the kids meal and Lisa and James went to play in the most babyish play set ever. I join them while waiting for food. I smelled like piss in there and it almost made me piss when James scared me. Jake tells us dinner is here and all three of us go down the slide. When I get to my happy meal I reach in for the toy and it's and character from paw patrol in a go-kart. After we eat dinner James says he wants to go to the park so we do. at the park there was baby swings, monkey bars, grass to play Frisbee, and I sand box. We all do are thing and I try to fit in the baby swing and I barely did. Jake pushed my. Me and Lisa played in the sandbox and she wet her diaper. Jake took her to the bathroom but they where locked and Lisa wet more from her walking with Jake. Her diaper leaks and we have to go home. Before we leave I try the monkey bar and they where really high for the age range of this park and for me. I end up falling and land on my back when I do it forces so shit out and when I stand and start to walk over to Jake a long lasting stream of pee warms up the front of my diaper and then I also leaks. I just stand where the puddle is still pissing and the dark spot on my pants grows bigger and bigger and it did not stop for another minute. I all on to my diaper It's so big I can hardly touch my knees to the ground Jake grabs my hand as I cry and James is laughing at me so much. Jake tells him to stop or there will be a punishment. We pass by parents who stare at me and teenagers who laugh at me as we go home. James does not stop and Jake tells him to go to Lisa's room with us. We get there and Jake lied me on the changing table then Lisa and he puts a diaper on James and Takes James cloths so he is just in a diaper. I did not pack a second pair of pants or shirts so I was also just in a diaper. That was the first time I leaked a diaper since I was in Pull Ups at the age of 4 not even the weakest nighttime diapers have leaked but today I did and I think it won't be the last.

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