The store

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We finish walking and we go into the store. Jake tells us to go to the baby stuff. When we get there the shelf's are lined with diaper boxes and baby toys. Jake says to pick out diapers we want. I grab some PJ mas diapers Lisa grabs little pony diapers and James grabs dino diapers. People stare at me when I run back to Jake and put my diapers in the cart. James and Lisa do the same. Next Jake tells use to get some pacifiers I pick a red one James picks a blue and Lisa a pink. While going to the cart this time I feel a stream of hot liquid go into my diaper but I don't care, we continue on. Next is a baby bottle. we grabs the ones we want and go back to the cart. Again I feel the liquid go into my diaper this time more. I also start to feel bad. Next Jake saw some portal cribs (small cribs made out of plastic that you can fold) we grab them and there is a lot more of the liquid. Scared that its going to leak I tell Jake. He ask if Lisa or James needs a change they both say no and we go to the bathroom. Jake changes me into a diaper he brought with him. But there is a slight problem. He grabbed one diaper for me one for Lisa and on for James. When he was changing me he grabbed Lisa's diaper and put it on me. Now I have less protection for me crotch and more where my butt is. yet we go back. The feeling in my stomach gets worse and then I crack. mass amounts of poop fill me diaper. the diaper is down to my knees now and its so heavy I almost fall over. we pay for the new diapers the baby bottles the pacifiers and the cribs and go home. on are walk back I feel the feeling of pee go into the diaper. and the feeling in my stomach come back. A few minutes later more pee goes into my diaper and a lot. right before we go inside the house more goes into my diaper and it leaks. I stand the with a puddle under me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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