Chapter 10

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Luffy told Surume to protect Shirahoshi, to which he agreed without hesitation.

"No! We're on your side!"


I turned my attention away, seeing the drunk octopus swordsman making his way through, slicing down his own men. I looked over to what he was focused on, seeing he was heading towards Zoro's direction.

I dashed forward, standing in his line of direction, hoping to divert his focus from Zoro to me. He's got enough people to fight. I glanced over out the corner of my eye, sweat dropping. aaaannnnd he's fighting with Sanji again... geez.

Turning my gaze to my opponent in front of me, I raised my sword up. "Sorry, but he's busy at the moment."

He stopped for a moment, hiccuping as his head tilted sideways. "Oh? You're a swordsman too, huh?"

I formed my lips into a tight line, locking my gaze with his. "I wouldn't go as far as to say that, but I manage."

He raised one of his arms, chugging what I assumed was Sake. "Guess you'll have to do for now- Hic!" He hiccuped again, before raising his sword up as well, dashing towards me.

Damn, he's fast! I exclaimed, before barely managing to block the oncoming attack. "Hic! You got some nice reflexes there... -hic!" He began to chuckle, grinning wickedly. "This should be fun." He smirked before swinging around for another attack.

(Heads up, sorry if the fighting sucks I'm not good with describing them 😔)

I brought my sword to my side, blocking the attack from coming in contact with my side. I smirked to myself as stepped back, and brought my sword up above me, before I swung down. He stepped out of the way as my sword made contact with the ground below us.

It went on like this for a few minutes, swinging and dodging, before he swung another tentacle around holding another sword towards me. I jumped back, barely dodging the attack, as I felt a breeze on my stomach. I glanced down seeing my shirt was torn slightly, but I wasn't cut anywhere. "Damn, and I liked this shirt too..." I frowned, placing my fingers to the hole. "Maybe I can get Nami or Robin to fix it."

"Hic! You shouldn't take your eyes off the enemy..." I let out a yelp, immediately bringing my sword up in front of me, only to see he was still standing in the same spot. "Might just be your undoing-hic!" He brought the bottle of Sake up to his mouth again, chugging more, before swiping away the excess the fell down his chin.

I watched his movements carefully, waiting for the moment he comes in to strike. What I wasn't expecting, was for him to suddenly disappear. "What the-" I began to glance around me, trying to find where he went. Left? I looked towards the left, seeing nothing. No... Right? Glancing to the right, yet again, nothing. No.

I tried to listen to any sounds indicating where they he went, but that did me no good with all the shouts and screams and explosions happening. I brought my arms down slightly, lowering the sword. Maybe he went after someone el-

"GAHHHH!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, dropping my sword.

"Hmph. That should do it." I heard the man's voice from behind me. "Told you taking your eyes off the enemy would be your undoing."

I turned my head slightly, looking over my should at him in anger. "Damn you! You'll regret th- AHHH!" I shouted out again.

I heard him chuckle, as he now stood a couple feet in front of me. "Well, this was fun and all but I have other places to be." He stated, glancing off in another direction.

I placed a hand on my side, blood covering my hand. I bent down and grabbed hold of my sword once more, bringing it up and pointing it at him. "We're not finished yet..."

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