Chapter 16

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"-Is this all of the trespassers?"

"There was another body on their ship, but it's of no consequence."


"It seems to be a crew mate that they murdered... That is to say only a skeleton remained. Such brutality is not unusual among pirates."

"I see. Very well, for now take them away- and lock them up tight. We'll have our fun later. Shurororo."

I started coming to, hearing voices around me, as I felt my body being picked up. "Hold on just a second." That voice spoke up again. I then I felt a grip on my hair, my head being lifted up. "Oh? Leave this girl with me, I'd like to experiment on this one."

This one? Experiement? What is he taking about!? I started to worry as I felt the grip on my hair disappear, my head dropping back down.

"Very well." The one holding me let go, causing me to drop back onto the ground, harshly might I add. You could've at least been gentle with me. When I find out who you are, your the first one I'm coming after...

I felt my finger twitch, alerting me that whatever was in my system, is slowly wearing off. I don't remember being drugged. Must've been whatever caused the others to pass out... gas maybe?

I heard several footsteps fading away, before the sound of a door closing, leaving nothing but silence in the room.

"Now then, I think I should tie you up before you wake up." The voice talked to himself, grabbing hold of me and tying my arms to my sides, before setting me back down on the floor.

I fluttered my eyes open, scanning my surroundings, to see I was in some sort of laboratory from all the beakers and stuff scattered along the tables. "What the..." I mumbled to myself.

"Shurororo! I see you've woken up." I turned to the voice, seeing a mast of pink gas floating in front of me.

"Who are you, and where is everyone else?" I blurted out, realizing the others aren't here in the room. I hope the others are okay.

I saw a smirk form on the gas. "That's not important, (Y/N)."

I froze hearing my name. "H-how did you know my name...?"

"Why it's quite simple really, you have been a big deal after the events of the war 2 years ago." He spoke up in a matter of fact tone. That's right, the whole world knows about me now... how could I forget that?

"When I heard of your ability, it peaked my interest. Now I have the chance to experiment with that power myself, Shurororororo!"

I shivered hearing him say that he would experiment with my power. What does he plan on doing to me? I thought back to all the experiments Moria put me through to use my power for his personal gain.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "What are you planing to do with me...?" I know I shouldn't of asked, but I'm mentally freaking out here.

I saw him go over to the table, gas wrapping around a couple test tubes full of liquid, and mixing them together. "What every great scientist would do... run trials on a subject."

I creased my eyebrows in confusion in caution and confusion. "Trials...?"

"Why yes, trails." He took a beaker full of liquid that was bubbling, and poured some into the solution he held, a small explosion erupting from the container. "I plan on injecting you with different serums and poisons to see the effects."

My eyes widened, fear running across my face. "B-But why!? Why me!"

He floated his way over, as I shrunk and scooted as far away as I could, only to bump into the wall behind me. I turn my head frantically left and right, looking for a way to escape, only to find myself cornered.

Gomen... CaptainOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora