Day 1

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The next morning y/n and Riven woke up early so that y/n could get back to her suite before Silva could catch her being there. Only for them to see something that made them both roll their eyes and for Riven to groan at his best mates stupidity, "Really Sky, really?" Riven groaned. "I thought he was interested in Bloom, thought he would finally be over Stella, suppose I was wrong." "Trust me, I wish you were right about him being over Stella, but I honestly think he never will be." Riven says, "Well I should go, see you later?" I asked him as I started getting up to leave. "Yeah, see you at lunch." Riven said as I left his room.


"Where have you been?" Musa asked as I walked through the door, "I was in no mood for Stella last night, so I went to Rivens room because we had an argument, and I didnt want to leave things between us like that." I simply tell her as I make myself a cup of coffee and walk towards my room "Well you missed quite a lot last night, Stella lent Bloom her gateway ring to go to the first world and a burned one followed her, I didnt know those things existed, but it was creepy, looked like it really wanted to kill Bloom. Oh, and it took Stellas ring." Musa tells me "What how stupid can Stella be? Well, at least it explains why I woke up and saw Stella sleeping in Skys bed this morning. Shes gonna freak when she hears about the ring, but its her fault for giving it to someone else." I say and go to my room to get ready for the day. (Outfit at the top.)

"Calm down, Princess." I heard Musa say. "Dont tell me to calm down, and dont use my title as an insult." I heard Stella and she sounded irritated; well, I suppose she found out about her ring. "Wait are you actually a princess?" Bloom asked "Yes, I am. My mum is the queen and the ring you lost is one of the crown jewels of Solaria." Stella says, "That might not mean much to a First Worlder, but feel free to ask your suite mates how big of a screw up that is." She continued. "Almost as big as giving it to her in the first place." Aisha said. "Dowling has the creature locked up, which you would know if you were here last night when she gave us an ear full." Aisha said. "And if people knew there was a burned one even in the first world temporarily, disaster." Musa says. "I didnt tell her that I lost the ring, and Im sure if we do," then Bloom got cut of "We will do no such thing, I will figure it out after class, but for now, no one says anything to anyone." Stella says, "And can someone make sure that Terra knows that? She can never keep her mouth shut, and wheres y/n? can you please inform her to." "No need I heard everything, and you really are stupid for a princess." I say as I walk out of my room, ready for class.

Time skip to lunch (because I dont know what classes they have)

I went to the cafeteria after class for lunch and stood in line. When I got to the front of the line lunch lady Doris smiled at me as she gave me my food "Thank you." I said as I walked away looking for Sky and Riven. "There you are, I was wondering if you were gonna ditch me like Sky did." I heard from behind me, and I already knew that it was going to be Riven. "I would never ditch you for Stella, thought you knew me better, Riv." I say as I turned to look at him and smiled at him. "I know, wanna get a table?" he asked, and I nodded so we walked to a table "You dont have a class now, so are you gonna train with us todays?" he asked, "yes, I am, just have to change into my uniform before we go." I said and he nodded, we continued eating and talking about anything we could think of.

After lunch Riven and I went to my suite and he followed me into my room, "What you think you doing? I need to change." I said. "I know." Riven says to which I roll my eyes "Perve." I say as I walk out of my room to the bathroom that all the girls must share. "Come on! really?" I hear him shout out and I just start laughing. "Come on lets go, dont want Silva to be upset that your late, now do we?" I say as I walk into my room to put my other clothes away as training is the last thing of the day.

We reach the specialist training grounds and Silva calls us over "I want you two to go help Sky with the first years sparing." Silva says and walks away "Well you heard him, lets go then yeah." I say as I walk towards sky.

We have been helping the first years with their sparing when this one guy is losing greatly against a girl, that's when Riven decides to help "Sweep the leg!" Riven shouts at the guy but the girl listens to him instead and wins the fight. "Can you try being 50% less of a dick?" Sky asks, "He'd be 50% less of himself." I say as I giggle at the look on Rivens face. "Remember what a lost cause you were last year? Two black eyes and a sprained ankle, day one." Sky reminds him. "What you want a handy for taking me under your wing? I thought my friendship was reward enough." Riven says "It is." Sky says and taps Rivens face, walking away from us, I follow Sky with my eyes and see him walk up to Stella, which I roll my eyes at, all while Riven is talking to the first year. "You full-creeped on my insta last night, and I haven't told anyone." I hear Riven say "I was just curious about all the second years. My finger slipped." The guy says "Oh, your finger slipped?" Riven says "Don't mind him. his just being himself, a dick." I tell the guy as Riven scoffs and walks onto the platform "Look Im feeling generous, I might not be feeling that way much longer. First piece of advice is, choose your friends carefully this year. Second, focus. Get your mind in it, man. You fought Kat with your limbs, and you lost. Being a good specialist isn't about how big you are, its not about how strong, its all about strategy." Riven tells him. "Hey Mikey. Lets do this." Riven says as he starts to spare with Mikey and wins, "You see." he says and the guy laughs and smiles "He may seem like a bad guy, but he is actually a great person once you get to know him." I say as I walk up to the guy "Im y/n and you are?" I say as I stick out my hand to shake, he shakes it and says "Dane, nice to meet you, I take it you two are close." he says which makes me laugh "Riven and Sky are my best friends, one thing that can keep you sane in this place is friends, to have great friends here makes it feel like a breeze here." I tell Dane as I walk up to Riven and tell him about Sky and Stella as we look at them "Well if it makes you feel better, youre not the only one annoyed with him, look." Riven says and indicates at Silva walking up to sky, most likely to give him a lecture "great maybe Silva can talk some sense into him." I say as Riven, and I walk away from to training grounds.

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