The Beast

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"Oh, boy, Y/n's in for the surprise of her life, huh?" Lefou asked, jealousy tinting his voice, as Gaston peeked out at her house with a lustful grin, a branch pulled back in his hand. He was in a red suit and his hair was pulled back as usual.

"Yep. This is her lucky day." He let go of the branch, which hit Lefou in the face, and turned his attention to the group of people. "I'd like to thank you all for coming to my wedding. But first, I better go in there and...propose to the girl," he joked with a wink.

Everyone laughed heartily, except for the bimbettes, who were crying their eyes out by the table.

"Now, you, Lefou," he continued, turning back to his flamboyant friend. "When Y/n and I come out of that door -"

"Oh, I know, I know! I strike up the band!" Having brightened, he composed the band to play the wedding march. Annoyed, Gaston slammed a baritone tuba over his head.

"Not yet!"


Gaston marched over to the door and banged on it. When nobody answered, he yelled, "Y/n!" Still nobody, so he broke the door in and stomped around to find nobody home. "Where is she...OH, that...that prostitute! With another man! On our wedding day!"

He walked out of the door, the band playing.


He slapped Lefou hard enough to send him backwards into a mud puddle. "Change of plans, Lefou. I'm getting Y/n from the beta's cottage. When I come back, start the music."


Beal read on his chair, Y/n on her elbows, when they heard an enraged bang at the door. Startled, they both looked up, Beal getting up to see who it was. He looked through a telescope his father had made at a fuming Gaston. Moaning, he pulled the door back and put on a fake smile. "Gaston. What a...pleasant surprise..."

He pushed past him to Y/n, who stood up and, by default, stepped back. Now that he had seen her, he had seemed to calm completely. "Ah, there's the beauty of the village."

She backed away farther, not wanting to be too close, clutching her book in hand.

"You know, Y/n," he put his hand on a dresser. "There isn't a girl in town who wouldn't love to be in your shoes. This is the day..." He stopped to check himself in the mirror, licking his teeth with an, "ahh". "This is the day your dreams come true." He took the book from her and threw it in the footrest.

"What would you know about my dreams, Gaston?" she asked, trying to be polite.

"Plenty. Here, picture this." He sat back in the chair, throwing off his shoes, kicking his feet up on the rest, getting mud on Y/n's book. Y/n held her nose while Beal checked the back for an axe to scare him out. "A rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the fire, and my little wife messaging my feet. While the little ones play on the floor with the dogs." He leaned forward as Beal came back over, eye on Gaston, with, sadly, no axe. "We'll have six or seven."

"Dogs?" Y/n asked, trying to back away father.

"No, Y/n. Strapping boys, like me!"

"Imagine that." She took Beal's book for him and put it back on the shelf.

"And do you know who that little wife will be?"

"Oh, no..." Beal mumbled under his breath, trying to find a way to get Y/n out as soon as possible.

"Let me think..."

"You, Y/n!" He put his arms out to trap her.

"Gaston! I'm..." She ducked under and ran to the door, putting her back against it. "...speechless. I - I really don't know what to say..."

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