Be Our Guest

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Y/n peeked out of the door and looked around. Quietly, she crept to Beal's room and knocked softly. He opened the door, face brightening when he saw her. He put a finger to his lips and motioned at his sister, who was sleeping on the bed. He shut the door and they both glided downstairs.


"Oh, no!"

"Oh, yes."

"Oh, no!"

"Oh, yes, yes, yes!"

Fifi ran out from behind the curtain with Lumière chasing her.

"I've been burnt by you before," she protested with a giggle.

Lumière took her into his arms, dipping her down, but promptly dropped her when he saw Beal and Y/n swiftly step down the stairs. "Zut alors! They have escaped!"


Mrs. Potts finished tucking her children in, ending with Chip. "Come on, Chip. Into the cupboard with your brothers and sisters."

"But I'm not sleepy," he protested with a yawn.

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not..." Head tilted, he fell asleep as the teapot closed the cupboard.

Next to her, the stove between to grumble. "I work and I slave all day and for what? A culinary masterpiece gone to waste!" He slammed the lid down on the pot, pouting.

"Oh, stop your grousing. It's been a long night for all of us," Mrs. Potts chastised.

Near them was Cogsworth, helping with the cleanup, but grumbling. "Well, if you ask me, she was just being stubborn," he scoffed. "After all, he did say 'please'."

"But if the master never learns to control his temper, he'll never break the -"

Seeing Beal and Y/n enter, Cogsworth yelled over her to cut her off, "SPLENDID to see you out and about." She waddled over to them, holding out his hand. "I am Cogsworth, head of the household."

Lumière then slid in the DMs and took Y/n's hand.

"This is Lumière," he sighed.

"Enchanté, mes chers." He began to kiss her hand, Cogsworth trying to push him away.

"If there's...stop that," he hissed. "...anything that we...PLEASE." He was finally able to push him out of the way. "...can do to make your stay more comfortable..." Lumière reached over and burned his hand with his flame. "Ow!" Seeing him, Patty wacked him in the back of the candle.

"We are a little hungry," Beal admitted.

"You are?" Mrs. Potts asked excitedly, turning to the other teapots. "They're hungry! Stroke the fire, break out the silver, wake the china."

"Remember what the master said..." Cogsworth muttered through gritted teeth.

"Oh, pish posh! I'm not going to let the poor children go hungry."

"Oh, alright. Glass of water, crust of bread, and then -"

"Cogsworth! I am surprised at you!" Lumière exclaimed, genuinely disappointed. "They are not prisoners. There are our guests! We must make them feel welcome here." He took their hands and guided them into the dining room. "Right this way, mademoiselle, monsieur."

"Well, keep it down! If the master finds out, it'll be our heads!"

"Of course, of course. But what is dinner without a" Lumière closed the door, sending Cogsworth flying backwards. Before he could fall into the pancake batter.

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