chapter one

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Chapter 1. Ariana Lei Valencia

I'm exhausted as I make my way to my locker to store some of my books. I'm currently in the economics building, and I still have to walk through two more buildings before reaching the locker area.

All I want to do is cry. The distance I have to cover is already considerable, and on top of that, I have a splitting headache. Why? Well, I just finished my calculus class, and Professor Trinidad surprised us with a pop quiz consisting of over 100 items.

That aging old maid of a professor is truly terrifying. Can you believe she directs all her frustration towards us? Like, seriously? Is it our fault that she lacks a love life?

I let out a deep sigh, not knowing that the life of a college student could be this stressful. This place feels like a complete hell!

"You sigh as if you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders."

I turned to my side, and was unable to prevent an eye-roll.

"What do you want now, Mr. Benison? If you're here to cause trouble, just move along. I'm not in the mood to talk right now."

I briskly walked past him, but true to his nature, this pest followed me.

"You're always so cold towards me, Ari. Don't you realize that there are plenty of girls out there who would do anything to get close to me?"

Ah! There he goes again. As if I care about his brainless fangirls. This arrogant jerk doesn't understand me at all. But I need to keep my composure. Causing a scene in the hallway would be a terrible idea.

So, I faced him and forced a fake smile. It irritates me that I'm even pretending to be friendly towards him. I simply can't stand being in his presence. He gives me a headache.

"Mr. Owen Benison," I addressed him. He smiled at me, sending a shiver down my spine. Damn, this guy is a creep.

"Yes, my beautiful Aria."

May I excuse myself to the restroom? I feel like vomiting right now. Hearing him call me 'my beautiful Aria.' Since when did I become his possession? This psycho is driving me crazy!

I simply closed my eyes, trying to calm myself and hold back. But damn it! If only he wasn't the son of the university owner, I would have dealt with him a long time ago.

Owen Benison is the only son of the well-known Mr. Joel Benison, the owner and dean of Benison University. I'm fortunate enough to be a scholar at this prestigious institution. Thanks to my intelligence and passing the exams. That's why I can't afford to act recklessly. Even though I desperately want to punch this jerk in the face, I know I can't.

"Mr. Benison-"

"It's Owen, Ari. Call me Owen. You're being too formal, as if we're not the same age," he interrupted.

Damn, this guy has the audacity to cut me off while I'm speaking? I really want to strangle him right here and now.

Inhale. Exhale. Stay calm, Aria. Despite reaching your limit with this bastard, you must remain composed.

I cleared my throat with a slight cough.

"Then, Owen..."

I couldn't help but pause as the damn bastard had a huge grin on his face just because I called his name.

Is he possibly a lunatic? It wouldn't surprise me in the least.

"I would appreciate it if you refrained from assuming that I'm one of those girls who obsess over and fantasize about you."

I uttered those words while maintaining a fake, warm smile on my face. I feel nauseous, but I have to control myself.

But seriously, I'd rather die than be one of your "fan girls." Just the thought of it gives me the creeps. Absolutely not!

I took a deep breath and continued speaking.

"Oh! And also, I'd like you to stop approaching me from now on. If it's not important, it's best if you don't talk to me or come near me. I don't want to meet an early demise at the hands of your fan club. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to."

Ciao. Adios. Goodbye, you jerk. I'm done!

I nodded at him and walked away first. Thankfully, I didn't hear his footsteps following me, which put me at ease.

Thank God! I believe that should be enough for him to stop approaching me. I'm not oblivious to the fact that Owen likes me-he's made it abundantly clear, to the point of annoyance.

I'm not foolish either to ignore the stares from his fan girls who were around us earlier. Many eyes were watching us, observing that man. We were in a hallway after all, a public place where students are everywhere.

Well, let's admit it, Owen Benison is attractive. He's famous and well-known. That's why he has a fandom, and some of his fan girls are downright crazy.

I even remember a time when someone left a note in my locker, threatening me to stay away from Owen Benison. I didn't feel scared or threatened in the slightest. Do you know what I felt? I thought it was the funniest joke I had ever read in my entire life. I couldn't stop laughing. Why, you ask? It's simple. From the very beginning, I wasn't the one pursuing him. It was the other way around.

I'm not boasting or anything just because a good-looking guy who happens to be the son of the university owner kept approaching me. I am confident in my appearance.

I'm Ariana Lei Valencia, a twenty-one-year-old college student studying Business Management. I may not be exceptionally beautiful, but I'm confident in my looks.

I have dark brown wavy hair that falls to my shoulders. Deep brown eyes. Slightly tanned skin. I stand at 5'9" tall with a normal body weight.

After a five-minute walk, I finally reached the locker room. I went straight to my locker, unlocked it, and placed my books and other materials inside. Once done, I promptly closed it and continued walking towards the dorms.

To be Continued...

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