18. Abducted

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It was dawn when I reached near a lake, my horse seemed to be a little tired so I thought to take a rest. I am far away from him, so I don't need to worry. By far, I haven't faced a single problem, and I am thanking God for it. Just a few miles more and I will be in my village. I smiled at the thought of my village and my home, but I would have to leave that place because of Him. I can't stay there if I don't want to be caught again.

I slid off of the horse and let him drink water from the lake and eat the grass. I sat down by the tree drinking my own water and eating fruit that Amanda gave me. I finally found a friend but too bad I had to leave her. I will never forget her. She will always be in my heart. She has put herself in danger by helping me.

I studied the map for an hour trying to find my way, now that there is light I can easily read it. It says that I have to go towards the east, but it's all forest around. There is no sign of clearing. I took a small nap as I was exhausted myself.

After that much needed nap, I woke up and saw my horse was also ready. I sat on it, but as I sat down, I felt numerous pairs of eyes on me, but I must be paranoid. There is no one around me. I looked around for my comfort, and I found no one. It's better to leave this place, I spent too much time here. What if Achilles catch up to me? I shuddered at the thought. He won't spare me this time, and somehow I know this that he won't hold back in punishing me.

My horse was running towards the east. Suddenly, I saw some horsemen running after me a few miles back. I looked back, and I saw there were 6 of them. I panicked and pulled the reign of my horse, increasing the speed. But they were catching up to me, their faces were covered with a cloth. They weren't his men, which made me scared more. Suddenly, I felt an arrow pass beside me, barely grazing me. I increased my pace more, but it was difficult for my horse to keep up with them.

The second arrow came, and this time, it hit the side of my lower back, which made me lose my balance, and I fell on the ground with a yelp. The pain was unbearable, and for a moment, I could even breathe. My horse didn't wait for me and ran away. I try to breathe properly. I felt them stop behind me and then footsteps coming my way. I tried to crawl ahead, trying to move away from them, but the wound was slowing me down, and I knew it's useless.

"Where do you think you are going?" A voice said, and I felt fear crawl on body. He pulled me up roughly by my hair towards his direction. His face was covered with the cloth, and he was fat and looked a little older. His eyes held lust as he was eyeing me up and down.

"That's a fine piece of meat here, boys," he said and looked behind him to the men who laughed at his words. I tried to squirm away from his old, but then he slapped me hardly, and I have never I felt my cheek stung, I am sure there would be a nasty bruise on my cheek.

"Stop moving, you bitch" he said.

"James stop" a voice boomed from back, I saw it was a man standing at the back. He was quietly observing me since the beginning. He has an authoritative aura around him, I think he is their leader or something, he looked quite young and muscular but not as muscular as Achilles.

He stepped towards us and glared at the man who was hell bent on pulling my hair out of it's root.

"Leave her" he said and I thanked the God when he left me and I fell down. I felt my dress drenched in warm liquid with the arrow still sticking outside. He kneeled down infront of me and grip my face roughly as he looked at my face and an evil grin came on his face.

"She will be mine" he said loudly and most of men groaned but stepped back. His other crept towards my back pulling me towards him roughly and then I shrieked because of an immense pain in my lower back as he removed the arrow. He pulled me in his chest and gently patted my hair when he saw me crying in pain.

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