31. Father's anger

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I haven't faced Achilles since then and he hasn't tried to come infront of me too. He didn't came in his home or maybe he came but at late night because no one saw him. It's been a week since that day when I shouted at him. I regret saying such things to him but these were the only things I could have said to make him stay away from me.

We were all sitting at the table for breakfast in his home and he wasn't even there. I stood up without touching anything.

"Where are you going?" Father asked.

"To Ma's cottage" I said.

"First eat something and then you can go" he said and everybody looked at me

"I am not hungry" I said and went towards the door, I wore my cloak the blue one not his. It was also hanged there by the door but I cant wear it now.

"Flora Williams" my father said my full name which means he is angry at me.

"Father I will eat something at cottage" I said in hurry and went out.

I know he will scold me once I come back, but how can I make myself eat. I don't even feel hungry these days, the guilt of hurting someone is weighing me down. I am not a kind of person who has ever hurt anyone intentionally. Achilles was always good to me well apart from that infateful time but I have already forgiven him for that. Because I know how he was guilty for doing that to me.

I was going towards cottage when I saw him standing with Jane holding his hand, she was clutching his hand and he wasn't.. trying to free his hand. Did he already moved on from me?

But you did want him to move on! My inner self replied.

Yes I did! But why does it hurt seeing him with someone else. She is touching him and I can't see it ... I looked away from them when Jane caught my eye and smiled at me.

I jogged towards the cottage and take a breath when I reached inside.

"Are you alright?" Ma asked as she stood infront of me.

"Yes" I nod and went to start working. After that day she didn't asked me more and for that I am thankful. But sometimes I felt her gaze at me as if she want to ask me something but then she won't ask.

I worked whole day, I kept myself so busy these days not wanting to think anything but at night my mind always brought me to that day when I pushed Achilles away, the only person I have ever loves. YES! I love him. Call me crazy but it is what it is, I have given him the most sacred piece of me, my heart! Why can't I be happy, don't I deserve any happiness. I thought that now everything would be good but No.

But I am sure of one thing I can never love someone else now, I believe that you can only love once in your life. Love is something that never happened just like that, it's the most beautiful feeling which you only experience once in your life. Yes with time you move on and someone else came in your life but that place still remain empty where once your lover resides.

And I also believe that you can never love a wrong person. There is always a right person for you with whom you fell in love with. That person is right for you in every aspect, they won't ever hurt you. They would always love you with your heart. Maybe sometimes you will let them go but if they truly are yours they surely will come back to you.

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