Chapter 8

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SmackDown taping
Chicago Illinois

"Are you finished fixing those outfits?" Sandra asked. I finished the last stitch on Roman's vest.

"Yeah. All done." I said. When Sandra finally  saw Roman's vest torn into shreds, I had no chose but to fix it. In two weeks Roman and Daniel are to face off to see who will headline in wrestlemania, which happens to be around the corner.

I held up the vest so she can see. She smiled and nodded.

"Just like new." She commented. I grinned and set it to the side for now.

"Ma!" Avery whined, as she has been doing for the past 15 minutes. It was getting slightly tiring to hear but it's what I signed for when I agreed to bring her to work. I cant just have someone I dont know watch my child.

"Im comming Ava. Hold on baby." I sighed. I looked around for anything else I could do. This  job I is actually even better than I thought it was going to be. I've been working here for about over three weeks now and not only do I just help out but Sandra lets me make adjustments to the outfits.

"Tend to that baby, she looks like she's hungry." Sandra said. "I got it from here."

"Thank you so much Mrs. Sandra. Brie's new outfit is on that rack over, there if she comes for it." I said. I picked up Avery and set her on my hip. I grabbed her sippy cup and cleaned it before heading to catering.

When I got there, I picked up a plate and topped it with a piece of crisp fried chicken, a side of yellow rice and beans. I grabbed a small carton of apple juice and went in search of a search seat.

A table was full and around it was The Bella twins, Seth, Dean and Roman.  I attempted to walk by quickly without them seeing me but soon Seth saw me.

"Ciara!" He called out. Over these weeks I've really gotten to know Seth. He's so amazing and funny. Avery has also grown to get used to him. I looked up towards their table and smiled.

Seth waved me over. I deliberately walked over and sat down putting  Avery on my lap.

"Hey guys." I greeted towards everyone but Roman who smiled in my direction, trying to make me mad. I took a seat next to Jon, or Dean as to say.

"Hey baby girl." Roman said in a fake sarcastic way. I rolled my eyes and turned to everyone else

"Hey. Hey Avery. You're just going to see Uncle Dean and not say hey?" Dean joked. Avery wiggled from my lap and walked to Dean. Dean scooped her up in his arms and gave her a kiss on the forhead.

Soon everyone resumed their talking and Seth was called to the gorrilla for his match against match against Randy Orton. I slowly began eating and feeding Avery at the same time. We finished up and I opened the carton of apple juice and poured it into Avery's sippy cup. She hates drinking from anything but that.

After eating, I cleaned up everything and threw it away in a near by trashcan.

"What's new Ciara?" Brie asked. I raised my eyebrow a little.

"Nothing really. Just getting used to having to travel everyday with this little one. Ya know." I stated poking at Avery's little cheeks. She giggled and pulled away laughing.

"Awww. Thats so cute. I never asked, but how old is Avery?" Nicole asked.

"She is A year and 5 months." I replied. She nodded. Roman sat across the table from me but he didnt say anything to me. He stayed on his phone, turned away from me.

Dean was entertaining Avery, so I guess it was just me and the twins left to talk.

"Um...Well I just finished Brie's outfit. Wait till you see how amazing it is."I continued. Brie smiled

"Thanks girl. Ill come by Sandra's later to pick it up." Brie announced. I nodded slowly as the conversation died down and became awkward.

"Brie and I were talking, and we realized that we havent gotten to know you better. You're a quiet person ." Nikki pointed out.

Roman looked up from his phone and laughed

"Nikki I told you every thing you need to know, she's an ass." He said. Dean shot Roman  a look but he didn't seem fazed.

"Joe, stop and please watch your language. There's a child in here." Nikki came to my rescue. Roman smiled.

"In my defence, Ava doesnt know what I just said." Roman retorted making Avery look up at him.

"Stop calling her Ava, Her name is Avery." I said squinting my eyes at him.

"Same difference." He replied. "Isnt that right?" He asked turning to Avery who laughed, not knowing what just went down.

I felt like... hitting him... hitting him with something. He's a jerk. All of them are jerks.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked. "Huh?" Everyone looked away akwardly but I needed to say what was on my mind.

"I dont have a problem. You started this so dont act like a victim." Roman said leaning forward.

"Joe, Relax." Dean said pushing Roman back a little.

"Why do you have a problem with me? Why are you always uptight when it comes to me?" Roman asked. Everyone turned their attention to me. I bit my lip to prevent me from saying anything. I will never, forgive him or the rest  for the suffering they caused me. He can play stupid all he wants, but my memory is clear and I remember everything from day one. I shook my head and stood up. I gently took Avery from Dean.

"Wait where are you going? Just dont mind Joe. He can be a handful sometimes." Nikki said. I turned to her and Brie and blinked rapidly. I didnt notice my eyes watering.

"Um, I think my break is over. I'll talk to you later." I said. Avery looked at me. I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and patted Dean's shoulder before walking away. As I left I heard thm scolding Roman a little but it sounds like he just doesnt care.

I kept my head down walking to the hallways. They hurt me. I dont just start things with people for no reason, being that I don't have friends. It makes no sense why I would be mean or rude to someone with out a reason to.

I wiped my eyes and walked faster.

"You're worthless."
               "You dirty ass orphan!"
               "I curse the day you set foot on Earth!"
               "Golddigging bitvh."

I whimpered and felt my eyes tearing up more. I promise myself I wont cry because of them anymore, but sometimes promises are meant to be broken.

I hit something  and stumbled back hard on my bottom, sending Avery tumbling down with me.

"Ah shit." The person cursed as Avery reacted to the fall and began to bawl really loudly. He picked her up without any second thought and tried calming her down. I stood up quickly and went reaching for Ava.

"Im so sorry."He said handing her to me.

I looked up into the half painted face of Jimmy Uso and stepped back.

"Don't ever touch me or my child." I clenched my teeth and pointed my finger at him.

"Woah, chill. I was ju-"

"You guys.. you guys are sick." I spat at him. I turned to walk away, leaving him dumbfounded.

Sorry it was so short, Ive been suffering a tiny bit of writers block. Next Chapter will be updated Monday by 8:00 (mountain time)

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