Chapter 20

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I woke up to the sun shining bright in my face and a whole lot of screaming. There was no sign of Roman anywhere.

I frowned and ran into the room to find Avery alone on the bed crying her eyes out.

"What's the matter boo? Why you crying?" I asked walking over to her. She reached out to me. I picked her up and rocked her gently until she calmed down. I realized she was crying because I wasn't here when she woke up. It was 10:50, the two hour Wrestlemania pre show was probably getting ready to start.

I smiled and made my way into the bathroom to give Avery a bath. Then I dressed her in comfortable clothes. I sat her on the bed as I went to take my shower and turned on the tv.

Afterwards I got dressed in a loose black v-neck and regular jeans. I slipped on some sandles and made sure I had my phone and keys in my bag.

I brushed out my hair and wrapped it in a tight donut bun.

"Come on mama." I said. Avery climbed off the bed and left the room. I walked out behind her and locked the door behind me.

The elevator was on construction so we had to use the stairs. As we left the hotel my phone rang.

Mrs. Robinson

I smiled and answered.

"Hey Mrs. Robinson." I greeted as Avery and I came to a crosswalk. I bent down to hold her before we crossed the street and made our way to Levi Stadium.

"Hey Ciara. Isn't there something special going on today." She asked.

"Yeah. Wrestlemania." I replied. "Are you going to be watching?"

She laughed. "Honey, I'm going to be doing more than just watching. Im going to be there." She replied. I squealed making Avery look at me in confusion.

"Oh my gosh. Are you serious?" I asked.

"I know it's last minute but Michael just bought tickets last night before they sold out." She explained. I smiled and shook my head.

"That's no problem. I can't wait to see you." I replied.

"Good. I'll be there in an hour." She said. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

"Avery, we're about to see an old friend soon." I said as we reached the Stadium. We went towards the back of the stadium where the superstars and Divas were unloading their things into the back.

"Whose ready for Wrestlemania!?" I yelled making us all cheer. Nikki looked at me in confusion and smiled.

"Well someone's very happy this morning." She commented. I smiled. "Mrs. Robinson, Avery's old babysitter is coming to watch the show." I replied.

"Okay, but that doesnt seem like thats all you have to say." Nikki spectulated at me. I shrugged not knowing if I should tell her about Roman.

Last night was great, but I don't know what it means. I don't really feel for Roman like that though.

"Last night Joe kissed me and I kissed him back." I said. Nikki smiled and looked at me

"You what?! You do know that he has a girlfriend right?" Nikki asked.

"He told me they broke up." I said frowning. Nikki bit the inside of her cheek and raised and eyebrow.

"What, you think he's lying?" She asked.

"No, he's just sending all these mixed signals. I mean he told me that he's in love with someone then he kisses me." I reply.

Nikki shrugs. "He's probably just frustrated. You guys have been through alot."

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