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I went straight to her.

I want to pick a fight with her but I just kept on looking at her eyes.

Never knew her eyes were sparkling so much which made me to not look away.

I just want to dive in her eyes.

James, control yourself don't give in [fighting my thoughts].

These girls are picking a fight with her.

I can use this as an advantage to tease her.

She looks so cute even with her anger face [having smirk with these thoughts].

As these things were running in my head.

I started teasing her but she didn't say much.

She tried to leave but suddenly she fell down.


My fan girls are really helpful sometimes.

I got the chance to tease her again.

As I was about to tease again my coach gave me an order to take her to infirmary.

I am so happy to hear this.

But I need to act like I'm not.

I hesitated but don't want to.

I gave a hand for a piggyback to her.

I pulled her up, she is so light but to tease her I had to tell her she is fat as pig.

I know she is angry but I loved seeing her being irritated.

But I'm also worried about her wound, I guess it hurts a lot.

I took her to the infirmary, I made sure she is fine.

I told Ms. Sophia to take care of her when she is out.

I got call from Seth saying, we have a meeting.

I left from there.

As we finished the meeting, I needed a shower because I am sweating badly.

I finished my shower, came out.



I went close to her.

She was so angry as "RED'' from angry birds.

I didn't understand what she is talking about but she is so cute as she is busy giving me the warning.

I heard people coming, I took her inside the shower room.

I shut her mouth with my hand to stop her from talking more.


My heart, please stop running so fast.

Why am I not able to breath?

Those sparkling eyes, those soft lips I'm covering with my hand it felt like I'm in a totally different world.

People left from locker room she pushed me hard and told me about the rumors.

I could see how bad she was hurt with these rumors.

She left with both anger and hurt.

But when she slipped, I really understood how clumsy she is but in a cute way.

I called Seth, Seth I need your help, go to college radio station, make the rumors disappear.

Right now!.

I was waiting for Seth to get it done.

I even went and told my crazy fan girls to delete those hate comments and post.

They did as I told with a frown face.

Seth told me it is done in a call.

I am finally, Happy.



The next day as usual I and Leah went to college.

I didn't know why I have this odd feeling. As I am telling the things I'm feeling to Leah.

We went inside the classroom.

Everyone is staring at us.

Different thoughts were running in my head.

I was thinking seeing their faces, now what?

As I went near my desk, I am shocked!

What on earth is happening now?

I told Leah to pinch me to make sure I am not dreaming.

Guess what it is?

A new desk, and for a surprise there is this note on the desk saying Sorry.

As I am in this shock, I see James coming into the class.

He is all normal as if nothing happened.

I guess, I'm the one breaking my head.

Mr. Harper came in.

The class was so normal, and James was quiet.

After the class got done, he went to his basketball practice.

While he is leaving, he turned back and gave me a smile.

Oh no!

What is he doing now?

I put my head down on my desk.

The whole day is weird.

Then Leah invited me to her club, because her band is playing today because few VIP guests are coming there to listen them play.

After college we got all ready to go to the club.

Now we are at the club.

As we reached there, their band members were all ready and set.

As they were about to start, I saw Seth and James coming.

Oh no!

They are invited too?

I wish I didn't come.

Seth waved hi to me, and James gave a smile.

They started playing, they were playing so well.

As the playing got end.

We decided to have drinks, yeah, as we were enjoying our drinks, I had the emergency nature's call.

I told them that I need to use the girl's room.

I went and came out.

On my way out, there is this guy standing there.

He is on my way. I told him to move but instead he tried to hold my hand and kiss me.

As I am struggling to fight him.

There is this hand that punched his face hard that he fell down with one strike.

It is none other than this belligerent idiot James.

He is so good at punching people.

No wonder, he is so handsome at this moment.

My Belligerent LoverTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang