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  •GETTING IT ON, Part: 2

    James who is going on kissing my whole body, told me, I love kissing every inch of your body baby.

    (Hannah) Moaning; Ahh.! Dad...dy.... I love you so much dad...d... y... Damn... it, I love when you touch my pressure points baby... the slow pain, slowly turning into a heavy pain down below my abdomen.

I now know that he is in. My body slowly started to take the pain; this is what you call the painless pain, I guess.

    As these pains getting deeper and deeper feels like my body is getting used to his touch, this is the first time, I feel so comfortable to someone’s touch.

The deeper he goes in makes my soul pop out from my body, this amazing feeling makes me crave for his touch more.

    This is getting so intense now, (James) Holy shit, baby I’m Cumming; I’m dripping wet.

    (Hannah) Feels like we both are running out of our breath.
    I guess you’ll make me black out with the pleasure you are giving me daddy.

    Ahhh! a long moan escaped my soul, giving him the sign.

James looked into my eyes, both sweating, letting out hard breathing to calm down.

He kissed me on my lips and then on my forehead.

He laid down on bed.

    I rested on James’s shoulders, hugging him. And James to me touching my hair, you were so good baby (Smirky smile).

Looking at him, I told, we both were good. And when it comes to bed, we both are wild(smiling).

    Slowly, I closed my eyes. We know we both are tired so, we tried to sleep.

The best day of my life.


    The next day morning.

Opening my eyes, James sitting beside me leaning on the pillow under him.

(James to me) Good morning mommy.

Me covering my face with blanket out of shyness. He pulled my blanket, kissed me on my lips and on my forehead.

    You weren't shy yesterday, right? (smirk)

    Daddy move, let me go fresh up.

Okay before you go kiss me, I'll tell you something.

Me with a blush face gave him a peck on his cheeks. Now tell me what it is?

    (James) I called mom, I told her that we are now together. She told us both to go to my granny's home. What do you say? Let's go?

    Yeah! Totally I'm up for it but I'm so nervous. I don't know, whether your parents will accept me.

    Hannah, It's fine, okay. They love you because they know about you already. Now, don't think much just go get ready.

    Huge excited smile on my face, rushed to washroom to get fresh up. Got out, James standing outside the washroom, holding something in his hands hiding it behind him.

He told, Hannah try this out now. Peeking inside the bag, It's a dress of my favourite colour black.

    I kissed him on his cheeks and hurried inside the bedroom to try it out.

Taking it out, oh my God! It is black cocktail dress with glitters on it. Undressing myself, Me trying to put the dress on.


This zipper(irritated)!

Me, Kung fu fighting  with my zipper to pull it up in front of the mirror, listening to me James from outside, “Hannah! You alright?"

    No, this zipper I'm unable to pull it up.

(James)I'm coming in.

James enters the room with nervousness.

James, please help me with this.

James coming closer to me, He put my hairs in front of my left shoulder; James slowly pulling up my zipper, his fingers moving from my waist all through my spine line to my neck. It made me tingle and my heart race faster.

Then James looking in the mirror and me, immediately turned me facing him, he came closer and slowly started kissing me on my lips. It was only about few seconds but I loved it.

    Hannah you are so fucking hot! Don't you ever think being naughty behind my back, okay? If you try, you will be punished way harder than yesterday( biting his lips with a smirk).

Okay, get ready. I need to get ready too.

    I nodded my head, after half an hour, James out his room, buttoning his wrist.

He is so handsome in black t-shirt and cookie colour suit.

I am just off track with my thoughts thinking how sexy he Is! As I am starring at his handsomeness, He came closer and asked me, "baby how do I look?"

    You are so handsome Mr. James as always (Me setting his collar).

Really? Daddy is not just handsome but also good at many things.

Me blushing.

James and I, holding hands, told each other; “let’s go".

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