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Guess the karma is messing so badly with me.

Guess I am the one regretting coming to this party.

It's just like a slap in the face to me right now.

It felt like my heart is being ripped off from my chest.

I could feel my tears gliding through my cheeks to lips and to my chin.

I just closed my mouth so that they couldn't hear me cry.

I just gathered all my strength, turned back and I started running away from this place.

As I am crying and trying to leave the party Edward pulled my hand from behind.

Leave me, I screamed.

I'm out of this place.

He left my hand, I ran out.

As I am running my heels broke and I fell down.

There were scratches on my palms and my knees.

But all this pain I'm having from these scratches really didn't hurt me that much and it bloody started raining.

I just sat there on the sidewalk.

I crouched down and put my head down.

My tears started getting covered up by the rain.

As I am crying, someone put the coat on me.

I lift my head slightly to see who it is.

I saw Edward standing in front of me holding an umbrella, even Seth and Leah were also there.

Seeing them, made me cry even more I just hugged Leah and burst out crying loud.

I told her I shouldn't have loved him in the first place.

Why did I even have feelings for someone who doesn't even know my feelings.

I guess I'm just a fool to believe that someone like him can love me.

Leah told, "Hannah, let's go home."

Edward opened the car door for me.

I sat inside; Leah is sitting with me behind.

I just laid my head on her shoulders.

I am lost in my thoughts I didn't even want to talk about anything.

After sometime the rain stopped and Leah told, that we reached my home.

I got down, even Edward got down with me.

He said it is only few blocks away from my home so, he could walk from there.

Then Leah and Seth told me to stay strong and not to think about anything and just to get some sleep.

They both left.

I started walking towards my home then I remembered to return his tuxedo coat.

He told it is fine, it is cold so get inside soon.

He also told me not to imagine stuff just to get some rest.

I bid him good night and we both parted our ways.

I went home drenched.

I made sure to act fine in front of my parents.

Luckily, they were asleep.

I slowly went to my room, had a bath and laid down on my bed.


I tried to get some sleep but I couldn't so I started starring at the hand of the clock.

It is 12:00 am.

now, 12:40am,


It went on till 5:00am.

I couldn't sleep.

There is this knock on my door it is my mom.

She asked if I'm going to college or not.

I replied NO.

she asked me if I'm fine.

I just told that I'm tired because of the party.

She then left.

She told me to eat breakfast.

I told I'll have it later.

I did not know how I'm going to end my day.

I tried to distract myself trying to watch horror movies but nothing helped.

I got many calls and voice notes from all the three people.

I didn't dare to open those voice notes and pick up those calls.

The day just passed.

I didn't realize, it is already evening, I heard the knock again on the door.

I didn't open at first, then Leah yelled from outside "Hannah, if you don't open this door, I'm going to break it down".

I got scared that she will breakdown my house, I opened the door.

She pushed me onto bed, she sat on me and started chocking my neck.

It is not that painful but it is making me uncomfortable.

I started beating her hands to make her lose the grip of her hands.

She removed her hands and started staring at me angrily.

As if she is going to eat me alive.

She started scolding me.

But I stayed hushed.

They all came and sat close to me and told me that they have a plan for me to get revenge on James.

I didn't understand what they are talking about, I am looking at their faces with confusion.

Then Leah told, "Hannah, let's play a game for a week."

I asked, game?

Then she told, "yes, a game to know the true feelings of James on you".

I asked, how?

Then she told, "Edward will act as your boyfriend to make James jealous and then let's see if he can take it.

If he is acting fine, then it tells that he does not have feelings for you but if he is not fine with you having a boyfriend that means he has feelings for you".

I asked, I already came to know about his feelings on that day in his house, what else do I want to know?

Leah replied, at least you will know his true feelings.

Let's just give it a try.

Nothing to lose so, let's do it.

I then asked Edward, "Are you ok with this plan?

He then told me, "Yes, I'm fine with it as long as it helps you".

I was both happy and sad but I told them that I want to give my last shot.

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