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He agreed but then just ended up walking back inside

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He agreed but then just ended up walking back inside.

What a jerk, even after I walked him home! I risked the fact that he could be a serial killer and kill me just to walk him home! And this is how he thanks me??

Suddenly the sound of an engine is heard and I turn around to face the black corvette as it slowly came out of the garage.

The very bright headlights shine in my direction causing me to squint my eyes. He makes the engine roar as he drives forward, like the annoying sound a motorcycle makes.

Show off, that was highly unnecessary.

He rolls the window down and looks at me, he doesn't say anything which makes the silence between us even more awkward. I interlock my hands and keep them in front of me.

"Are you gonna fucking get in or just stand there." He suddenly said and I rush to the other side of the car to get into the passenger seat.

The inside of the car was very tight since there was only two seats but it looked cool, kinda reminded me of being in like a space shuttle. The seats were a combination of red and black, and the buttons in the front would light up red.

"Nice car, mine looks just like this but bigger and better." I lie, I've been lying a lot since I met him.

Mostly because I knew he didn't care to even figure out if i was lying or not but also because I knew I wouldn't see him again after tonight.

He doesn't reply to me and keeps his eyes on the road. I  glance at him and notice He's driving with one hand, he has a few tattoos of random things on his arms and hands. A couple of rings too and a dangling earring on his right ear.

I noticed how he only ever looked angry or intimidating, his face always remained neutral and didn't show much of what he felt. I wonder how he did that, I wish my face wouldn't give me away as easy as it does.

I know I probably should have asked but my hand reaches out for the radio and I quickly press the on buttons before he could even say anything.

"Don't touch it." He said but it was too late.

A song I'd recognized as Whitney Houston's voice came on and he switched hands on the steering wheel so that the other could turn off the radio.

I furrow my brows and cross my arms. He's absolutely no fun at all.

My stomach then rumbles and I hoped only I could hear that. I didn't eat anything when I came back from school because I got occupied and I had planned on eating when I came back home.

I pull out my phone and look at the time. It was now a little later than 8:30 and I hadn't had anything to eat since lunch at school.

I clear my throat before asking. "You Uh, ever been to McDonald's?" I glance at him.

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