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"Thalia!" I woke up to my dad shouting my name

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"Thalia!" I woke up to my dad shouting my name.

I didn't want to get up. My throat felt sore and I wasn't in the mood to go to school so I pretended like I didn't hear him and went to sleep.

"Thalia- why are you still asleep?" Dad asks, barging into my room.

I was sleeping on my stomach and my face was squished into my pillow. I groan and turned on my back, stretching out like a starfish.

"I'm sick" I let out a light fake cough to prove something. Recreating that once scene from mean girls.

"Are you actually sick or do you just not want to go to school?" He crosses his arms and leans again the door frame.

"Can't it be both?" I rub my hands against my face and groan again.

"My throat actually hurts and I don't know why." I clear my throat as the stinging feeling was coming back.

"I guess I have to stay home, I wouldn't want to get anybody else sick just because I was selfish enough to go to school sick, right dad?" I hope he would agree but knowing him he probably would, he was chill like that.

"Fine, don't go. See if I was your mother, she would've dragged you out of bed herself. But not me, I'm a cool dad" I roll my eyes at how he always manages to call himself a cool dad but he was right, sometimes I was actually proud to have him as my dad.

"Sure dad, I'm gonna go back to sleep now. Shut the door please." I turn on my left side and shut my eyes.

"Alright, sweet dreams sugar plum" He says leaving. Sugar plum? That was a new one, he was really weird sometimes.

I look up to see he didn't shut the door but I was too tired to even care so I went back to sleep. Ah, finally some peace and quiet.

My phone rings exactly three seconds later and I groan, I answer not even looking at the contact name.

"Thalia Kennedy is not available at this time, leave a message after the beep." I said about to hang up before someone speaks.

"Wait, it's Lola. Where are you? Mateo and I have been waiting for you to walk to class together." I hear Lola's voice and sit up a bit.

"I'm sick" I cringe when my voice cracks, I clear my throat which hurts when I do it.

"I would've came but my dad insisted that I stayed home. And like a good daughter I listened." I lie, I'm starting to get too good at telling these little white lies. Is that concerning?

What if I become a pathological liar.

"It was the other way around wasn't it?" She says and I slouch my shoulders.

"Maybe." I admit, biting my lip. I hear her chuckle through the phone.

"Fine but I'm coming over later. Alright see you." She hangs up and I finally lay back down to get some sleep.

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