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Nothing makes a Saturday better than drinking slurpee's with your hot boyfriend

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Nothing makes a Saturday better than drinking slurpee's with your hot boyfriend. I got my usual cherry flavored drink and Heath got blue raspberry because it's his favorite. He practically asks me everyday for a slurpee, he loves them now.

"You should add more colors to your outfits, give it a pop of color." I nudge Heath as we walk back to the car.

"No." He answers quickly, not even open to the idea.

"Are you emo?" I ask him, only joking somewhat, but I was curious about it too.


I look him up and down, eyeing his whole outfit. A dark gray shirt which was basically black and black pants. Topping it all off his dark shades were over his eyes but that just made him look even gooder.

I'm not good at vocabulary . I have my own personal vocab that only I can understand, that's genius.

"Here take my belt, it's pink." I attempt to use one hand to take off the pink belt around my waist but it's no use.

I manage to take off the damn belt and hold it up to him. His lips were drinking away as he faced me, I couldn't really tell if his eyes were looking at me though because of the shades.

"You see how small it is?" He holds up the belt against his own waist, it only reached half way.

"Y'know what else is small?" I raise a brow and pause for a sip of my slurpee.

"Tell me." He says to me, I take this chance to stop my slurping and continue my conversation.

"Your wiener." I cringe when I say that. I don't like that word, it sounds weird.

Wiener. Wiener. Wiener. Wienerr.

"How would you know." He retorts, I take his hand and lead him the opposite way to where the car was and sit on a bench by the lake.

"I know more than I know." Wait.

"Does that make sense?" I don't think it did. This is why I don't try to say smart things.

"Give me my belt back, my shorts falling." I snatch the belt and apply it back onto my waist.

"Let it fall." He smirks but I only narrow my eyes at him.

"Why don't you let yours fall for the people to see? I think the people would love to see it." I tell him, jokingly.

"That's what I thought." Thot.

"Guess how much money I made working only two days? I'll tell you how much." I said before he could say anything.

"$60 I'm practically rich right now. This is the most money I've ever had in my life." I'm proud of myself for not spending any of it yet, I'm trying to save up.

"That's sad." Heath runs his hand through his thick hair.

"Of course it is to you. $60 to you is probably like a dollar. Not everyone is wealthy like you. Let me have my moment." I cross my arms.

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