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(Mature Content)

My hand wraps tightly around Thalia as I place her right on my lap. I didn't want to be away from her for a second, she was the only thing that brought me comfort.

It was just her and I on the couch while everyone else was in the kitchen doing I don't care what. She was in the middle of speaking to me something about how she talked to the dogs in her dream. Random Thalia shit.

I stopped listening to her voice after a while. I liked when she would talk to me about the randomest things but that was the last thing on my mind, especially with her on my lap.

Her skirt had ridden up to her upper thigh but since nobody else was here, I let it stay in place just the way it was. Seeing her dressed in that costume only made me in need of her even more.

"Y'know? You ever have dreams like that?" She turns her head to look at me and I'm meet with those golden brown eyes of hers.

"Mmhm." I had no idea what I was admitting to but I didn't care to know either.

"Really? You dream about Johnny Depp too?" Her brows furrow.

"No" I shake my head, trailing my hand over her cheek and tucking her hair out of her face.

"Scared me there for a second." She chuckles before looking up and pulling out of my arms, siting besides me on the couch.

"Cake time!" Lola's voice comes into the picture and I watch her as she holds the messiest, shit looking decorated cake I've ever seen.

"I made a cake for you!" Thalia jumps up happily and I force myself to look at the cake again  and find something pretty about it.

"It's nice." I compliment, nodding my head.

She wasn't the best cake decorator but it's the thought that counts. I wouldn't call it shit in front of her Cause I know how sensitive she can get. My soft baby.

"It took me hours to get the flowers done." She points to them, staring from me to back at the cake for my reaction. The 'flowers' were just pink splotches.

"I got the matches!" Mateo walks towards the cake and lights the candles up.

Thalia forces everyone to sing Happy Birthday and I pull Thalia on me to make it less awkward. I never had anyone to sing for me so it was awkward as hell for me.

Thalia wraps an arm around my neck and they all stare at me just as I'm about to blow the candles.

"You have to make a wish." She whispers to me and I meet her eyes.

I didn't have anything to wish for. I already had everything to make me happy for the rest of my life. The only thing I could wish for is that Thalia never leaves me.

I blow out the damn candles just as she places a kiss on my cheek.

"Did you wish for more pot? That's what I'm wishing for." Duke interrupts, taking a swing of his beer.

"Cheers to that." Mateo clinks his bottle together with his.

"I wish for you to shut up." I tell him and he flicks the middle finger at me.

He knows that's my way of showing my appreciation to him, even with all the bickering. I still respect him and what he's done for me, I'm just not as affectionate with him like I am with Thalia.

But I'm sure he doesn't expect me to kiss him and hug him to know I like him. He just knows.

The rest of the night, while everyone else was seeming to enjoy the party I only had one thing I couldn't stop focusing on. I appreciated the party but I didn't need this to make my birthday special. I just needed Thalia with me, the rest didn't matter.

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