Chapter 5

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Detective's Keele and Jones are patient men. They have poker face in every situation I find them in. Even while getting lunch. 

"Order up!" 

We are standing in the longest line ever, waiting to get food from Teddy's Bigger Burgers. I am not standing per say, but rather floating. I remember why I didn't come here during lunch. They take forever. 

"Head to the office after we eat?"

"We can. If you are done interviewing today."

Detective Keele looks thoughtful then annoyed, almost as if his patience was cracking. 

"Yeah, we can pau hana. I want to talk through the suspects so far though. I have a pretty good idea who it could be."

"Me too. It's pretty obvious. But I'm not the kahuna!"

"You're getting better."

The line has barely moved an inch and the air smells like meat and cheese. I don't feel hungry though, but I can remember the flavors of eating. It's heavenly. Some memories never leave you I guess, even in death. 

Detective Jones scrolls through his phone, looking at emails. He opens one and elbows his counterpart. 

"Aww, look, the big boss wants us to hurry up with solving this."

Detective Keele casually looks at the screen. 

"No worry. We solve these by being meticulous, and not stopping. Time is a factor of course, but not to get sloppy."

"He sounds mad..."

"I don't give a shit."

They settle back into a comfortable silence and wait. I notice that Detective Keele has a scar on the back of his neck. It's jagged, as if a knife had sliced him. But it's well healed, almost worn into his flesh. An old scar. 

Finally the line moves a lot, as people pick up their orders. This place is a cook to order joint. No ready made burgers sitting under a heating lamp in a metal tray here. That's what makes it so popular. And the milkshakes are to die for, no pun intended.

"Next time we go to Mahaloha. They are faster."

"No way. Too many tourists."

"You're crazy Keele."

The line moves again and finally we are next to the front. I feel a weirdness watching everyone living their lives. Kids or 'keiki' are laughing and enjoying themselves. Not a care in their world. Certainly not a thought on death. I admit, I was the same a few days ago, before I took a face plant that ended my life. 

"Orders up! #320 and 321!" 

The detectives walk to the counter and gather the to go bags. 

"Thanks detectives! See you next week!" 

They came here quite often I see. Nice. I liked that they frequented the local places, instead of eating sandwiches from home. It means they know the neighborhoods. And hopefully a majority of the locals. For some reason, it gives me hope. And comfort. 

Will they be able to solve my murder? 

I feel like there is a real shot.


Back in the homicide office, the burgers come out along with the fries. It smells up the space instantly, the aroma lingering with it's warm goodness. The detectives look excited to eat too. Which I immediately envy. 


Another emotion I'm capable of still. Nice. Not nice but nice that I'm still human in an essence. 

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