Chapter 18

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Suspect #10

The Doorman.

Ian takes his earbuds out and swigs his energy drink before crinkling the can, letting it drop into a small trashcan on the floor. He is just about halfway through his doorman shift at my former condo building. I know this because I used to enjoy having him work instead of the older men the building employed. 

He pops his knuckles and takes out his cell phone. The screen saver is a picture of a famous female surfer, Carissa Moore. Ian was a surfer in his off time and was pretty good but not pro level. He and I went surfing after work in Waikiki a lot, especially after he found out where I worked. The waves are more crowded there but the break is also pretty gentle. 

I am here before the detectives, as I heard them saying who they were interviewing today. Maybe I can catch him showing his motive, whatever that might be. Detectives Jones and Keele didn't always make it clear when I was with them. Ian though, he knew me pretty well so his motive could be anything

Hopefully not stalking though..

"Hey babe. Want to catch a wave after your shift?"

He had called someone.

"Ok. No worries, maybe tomorrow then. Love you too.."

He loved her...very interesting. He was single as far as I knew. But apparently I was wrong. Or he was playing the field. The day before I died, he had flirted with me pretty hard core. Guys could be so gross sometimes. 

"Yo, Ian, you working a full shift today?"

One of the local residents came up to Ian in the lobby from the elevators. I had never seen him before. 

"Hey Josh! Yeah man, gotta make that cheddar. I need it too. I have a few girls I'm juggling, not cheap."

"A few?! You loco man. One is enough for me, and she got me wrapped around her finger!" He retorts, holding up his left hand with a wedding band.

"I'm not the marrying type man." Ian laughs. 

He can say that again. He was a huge player and I knew it. One of the reasons why I never did anything serious with him, except for a few carefree nights. 

"Hey did you hear about the girl in our building falling to her death?"

Ian's face contorts and he looks super upset. 

"Leilani. Yeah....we were friends man."

Is he going to cry? He sure looks like it.

"Dude, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you knew her."

"It's life I guess...but yeah. She was the sweetest."

This was probably the nicest thing I have ever heard Ian say about me before. It makes me feel sad for some reason.

" take care man. Talk you later. Going out to meet the Mrs."

Ian waved him off and sighs, looking at his phone again. He looks forlorn now, after my name was mentioned. Did he miss me? I get closer, so I can see what he is looking at. He had pictures up on the screen. Of us. Us at the beach in Waikiki. I remember when we had tourists snap the pics. We had a fun day out in the water and had actually spotted a shark, which was why I remember that day. 

"Leilani..." He mutters.


Detectives Keele and Jones finally made their way to the condo building. It was still morning and not quite lunch time, so Ian was still on duty. Would they interview him in the lobby? I guessed they would have to. He was the only doorman on duty. 

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