Chapter 7

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"Let's park in the paid lot. I don't know how long we will be here for and I hate the metered shit."

"When is Honolulu going to rip those out?"

"Never. They will be here till the end of time. The Pacific Ocean will swallow us up whole one day and these damn meters will still be there, providing a reminder of human stupidity underneath the waters."

Detective Keele pointed the direction for the lot by Diamond Head. I am with them in the back of the police SUV. It's a blacked out model that is used for detectives. No one can tell police are driving it. They are on their way to see Tio's grandmother, she lives in a rich neighborhood at the base of the iconic peak. It's early afternoon, just barely past lunchtime. Perfect for surprising people. 

"Hopefully she cooperates."

"She might not. Ohana are protective, you know that."

"Yeah...true. I can hope right?"

Detective Keele chuckled. 

"Hope is all we have most of the time. Don't ever lose it. If you do, time to quit."

Detective Jones parks between two Jeeps that had seen better days and we all get out. This lot is usually full but today they got lucky. Tourists buzzed around as they walk, all clamoring to get water from their rental cars and sunscreen. Shade is not a thing on Diamond Head. 

"The grandmother is in her early 90's and she used to be married to a lawyer. He died some years back and left her a fortune in assets and life insurance."

"This better go well. I don't want to spar with any tutu's today."

"What did you think of the last guy, Filau?"

"He shot up to the top of the list."

They walk in silence as the breeze hits their faces, helping to dry the beads of sweat beginning to form. It is hot out but I don't feel it. The sensation of the outdoors is muted, or effectively dead to me, no pun intended. We round a corner and begin to get into the multi-million dollar homes. I had no idea Tio lived in such opulence. Not that it would have changed how I treated him. 

A huge house with an impressive lawn comes into view. It was simply beautiful. Palms dot the driveway along with strategic tropical plants and grasses. Tio has it good!

"You weren't kidding about her getting a fortune in assets! Holy shit this place is massive!"

They walk to the front door and ring the bell and step back, so as to give the elderly woman some room to not be frightened. She appears at the door very quickly. Maybe she saw them coming?


"Ma'am, we are detectives with the Honolulu Police Department, here to ask you a few questions about your grandson. May we come in?"

Tio's grandmother looks worried but nods her head and steps aside to let them in. I follow as well. The grand foyer is as beautiful as the outside, with a direct shot through the house to the lanai out back and the sparkling waters of the ocean beyond.

"My grandson might have killed that girl."


The living room is nicely appointed with overstuffed elegant furniture in muted tones. It looks like a showroom from a rich store. I had decent furniture in my place but nothing like this. Tio was so lucky he had no idea. 

"Why do you think he might have killed her?"

She hobbles slowly then plops down into a section of the ginormous sofa and exhales a pent up breath.

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