Chapter 6

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Suspect #4. 

The Dining Director. 

Filau had immigrated to Hawaii in the early 90's from the Philippines. He is in his late 60's now, but you would swear he was only 40. Good genes. And possibly a vegan diet, I wasn't sure, but he did make menus for the chef that tantalized the palate. 

He was working as usual in the cramped office down in the bowels of the kitchen. Right next to the offices of the staff employed under him. I find him as he looks over spreadsheets. Budgeting most likely. I angle better to peek. Yes, it was budgets for the seafood that was bought daily from local vendors on the pier. I have no idea fish can be so costly! He sighs and rubs his temples. 

"Diyos ko."

He said 'my god'. Stress was the name of the game in this job though, so this was most likely normal. Picking up his phone, he hits a preset number. 

"Hey, when can I expect to get more staff? I can't keep running the kitchen in this manner. Yeah...."

Who was he talking to?

"You can hire more! I know we have the budget for it. If you keep treating our section this way I will have to go to the boss."

Curiosity was getting the better of me. I move to where my face is mere inches away from Filau's. 

"Isang multo..." 

He looks shocked and stares right at me. Oh shit!! Can he see me?! He backs up slowly and sits down, scanning the room as he does. 

"Lila, I need to go, I'll get back to you."

Lila. That is who he was talking to. Why would he need to ask her for permission to hire people? She was HR, not in charge of hiring. We had a section for that. 

"Leilani, if you are here, I am sorry what happened to you."

He could tell I was here!! This is insane! I don't know what to do so I float by the door and watch him. I knew he was a spiritual man and believed that things could be haunted. I had heard him talking about it before in staff meetings when everyone would shoot the breeze before it would start. But to have him notice me in the room...this was blowing my spirit mind away. 

"I want no ill will. I hope they catch the bastard who killed you."

Just then a knock came to his door. 

"Come in!" 

"Detectives...please, have a seat."

Detective Keele and Jones walk in and take a seat each. They look exhausted but caffeinated. 

"You probably know why we are here..."

Filau looks uncomfortable, which is odd. Something feels off. 

"I heard you are interviewing staff that knew Leilani. Rest her soul."

He does a Catholic cross on his chest and kisses his fingers at the end. 

"We are. And you are at the top of our list."

"Oh. Well...I knew her well. We had staff meetings together every day almost.."

The detectives glance at each other and then go silent. Filau gets up and grabs his water bottle in a fidgety manner. 

"Can you tell us how long you have been filming Leilani?"


Filming me. 

He was filming me! When the detectives say it, my mind goes blank. I could be shocked still, unfortunately. Filau is equally as shocked and I think he still feels me in the room because he nervously scans the walls. Did he think I was like the exorcism of Emily Rose? As if I would haunt him and had a demon living in me?

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