Sunshine Heartbeat (Seth Clearwater imprint story) Ch 4

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Seth's POV

Once we arrived at Sam's, Emily came out to greet the new comer.

I gave Emily a small wave and walked in to find the whole pack there.

"Hey guys." I said, considering if I should tell them about the imprint or not.

They would figure it out sooner or later...

"Hey Seth." The pack replied, eyes still glued to the television.

Searching for Aimee, I looked out the window to see Emily and her in a deep conversation.

Again, I found myself staring at Aimee with too much passion. I stopped and went to look for something to eat in the kitchen.

Leah quickly came in and muttered a small hello to the pack. The pack replied a greeting hastily.

Then, Emily stepped in the room, leading Aimee with her.

"Boys, meet our new friend, Aimee." She announced excitedly.

Sam took a few strides and wrapped his hands around his imprint.

"Who is this?" he asked, eyeing the pack briefly to see if anyone imprinted.

"Aimee," Leah answered from behind. "She is staying with Seth and I."

Aimee flashed a small smile towards the pack and introduces herself.

"Hi, I am Aimee Miller. Nice to meet you all."

Emily clapped her hands and grinned. "Well, this is Sam, my fiancé."

"Please to meet you too, Aimee." Sam replied politely. "Guys, introduce yourself."

Aimee's POV

The 5 muscular boys came closer and each introduces themselves. They all had a perfect muscular body and short brown hair, like Seth.

Plus, every one of them had their shirts off.

Don't they like wearing a shirt?

I focused my eyes on their face only and tried to remember their names.

Jacob, Embry, Quil, Paul, Jared, Sam...

Seth came forward, taking my hands to lead me back to the living room. My skin tingled from his touch and I started to blush again...

I sighed to myself, trying to think of a way to stop my uncontrollable blushing when Seth stopped and turned around, looking at me with concern.

"Are you okay?" he asked, worriedly.

I nod my head, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Right...We usually have dinner here with the rest of the pa-guys. Emily is the best cook. We treat this as our second home. You would find us around Sam's all the time." Seth said and positioned himself comfortably on the sofa.

He patted the spot next to him and I sat down next to him.

Soon, the rest of the boys came in and filled the small lounge room quickly. I was then squashed between Paul and Jacob. Having trouble breathing, I squeezed out of my tiny spot on the sofa slowly.

"What's wrong?" Jacob asked, shifting his glance from the television on to me.

"Nothing...Just feeling a little crowded." I replied, trying to found another place to sit.

Jacob and Paul chuckled lightly and I saw Seth watching me from his seat. I stood up, checking for places where I could sit, except Jared, Quil and Embry already took up all the possible places on the floor.

Suddenly I felt someone's warm arm wrapped around my waist and I was pulled onto the person's lap. I turned around and saw a smug Paul.

"Hey!" I said, annoyed that I couldn't get out of his strong grip.

"Hey, Aimee." Paul replied casually, eyes back on the TV.

I fought to get his big hands of me and I noticed his unusual temperature.

"Paul, why are you so hot?" I asked, then realised what I said, turning bright red.

Paul looked at me and smirked. "I can't help it, I am born like that."

Jacob glanced over and laughed at my horrid expression.

"No, no. Not like that. As in temperature." I snapped, getting frustrated.

"Sure, sure." Paul answered, still smirking.

"Ahh!Let go off me, Paul!" I yelled, pushing his hands off me to free myself...unsuccessfully.

"Never!" he replied swiftly, tightening his arms.

I sighed in defeat and looked at Seth for help. To my amazement, his fists were clenched and he let out a soft growl. I jumped a little and Paul turned to Seth. He looked shock for a moment, but then returned to his usual smirk.

"Oh..." He mumbled to himself, and then he started laughing. "Right. I get it. Sorry." Paul loosens his arms around me and I stared at him, surprised.

"Thanks." I replied and went to find Emily to help her with dinner, although inside, I was burning with curiosity.

Seth growled? Why did he growl? Was it because of me?

I hope it is...


Oh god, what am I thinking?

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