Sunshine Heartbeat (Seth Clearwater imprint story) Ch 9

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Aimee's POV

Seth came back at exactly seven o'clock.

"Come on, let's go, Aimee!" He said, forcing you out the door.

"Wait, I need to get a jacket!" I told Seth, trying to get back through the door and grab my jacket.

 Seth looked at way and blocked my way to the door, "Nah nah, Me-Me. You won't need one."

I raised an eyebrow, confused. "Why not? You might be on a constant temperature, but I am not."

"Umm...because you won't...just trust me." Seth hesitantly replied.

Seth's POV

"Umm...because you won't...just trust me." I muttered hesitantly.

I didn't want Aimee to bring a jacket because I want to be there for her when she is cold. I've been hoping that I could hold Aimee in my arms while listening to the tribe legend. 

Feeling embarrassed about my own thoughts, I felt my cheeks heating up. 

"If you say so..." Aimee said and started heading towards the beach.

Aimee's POV

The bonfire looked so amazing; I suddenly wished I had my camera with me. 

But then, it might distract me so I decided not to bring it tonight. Seth held my hand and I smiled as he led me to the log. We sat down and I saw Leah and everyone else there. 

Jared and a dark hair girl were sitting together.

"Psss. Seth, who is the pretty girl next to Jared?" I whispered to Seth's ear. "She is Kim, Jared's imp-um...girlfriend." He replied, looking uncomfortable. 

I nodded my head and shivered as the cold wind hit me. " didn't let me bring a jacket and now I am freezing."

Seth looked at me apologetically, "Sorry."

Seth's POV

"Sorry." I lied and I placed my arms around her. "Does that keep you warm?" Hoping she won't slap my hand away.

"Yeah, thanks Seth." Aimee said, leaning on my shoulder. 

I can't help but felt a grin formed on my face. I caught Paul watching us from the other side, smirking.

Soon, Billy started to talk about the legend and I watched for Aimee's reactions every minute, hoping to see some kind of hints and cues to her thoughts. 


Aimee's POV

I watched Seth carefully as he carried me into the forest. I blushed at his touch and felt my heart raced. 

What's this about? I hope it's nothing bad.

After awhile, Seth stopped and placed me on a log. He rubbed his neck nervously; he seems to do that whenever he is worried or anxious. I waited for Seth patiently and shivered against the cold.

He stopped and came over, "Sorry, Aimee. I forgot you will get cold." 

I gave him a smile, wondering what he wants to talk about. 

"It's okay." Seth sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me again. 


I grinned, "Much better, thanks."

Suddenly, Seth turned me around to face him and stared at me intensely. "O-okay...Aimee, I-I have to tell you something, but you have to promise that you won't get scared and run away."

I stared back; all kind of thoughts were flying through my heads.

Is the legend true? How can it be true? Can it be true?

I nodded cautiously and Seth gave me a quick hug before placing me gently on the log again and ran behind a tree. 

I searched around for Seth again and was surprised when a horse-size sandy coloured wolf came out instead. The sandy coloured wolf came up to me slowly and gazed into my eyes.

Those eyes...So familiar...Like Seth's...

"Seth?" I whispered, reaching for his head.

The large wolf nodded his head and licked my hand. I laughed and patted his head. "So...the legends...are all true?" I questioned and stared into his deep brown eyes. 

Again, he gave a nod, nudging my hands gently before disappearing behind the same tree again. 

Seth then came out in...his human form.

"So, you are a shape shifter...Is that why you are always so warm? Is that why you are all so warm all the time?" I gasped as realisation kicked in, my eyes wide at Seth. 

"Yeah, um...Aimee? I have to tell you something else too." He replied, uncertainly.


"You know the legend about the imprint...I imprinted." Seth said and I almost felt like I got hit by a truck. 


I looked down in disappointment, before looking up again and gave him a weak smile.

"Oh...Who is the lucky girl?" I murmured, turning away from Seth while holding back the hot tears.

Seth turned me around so I am staring right at him. 

I looked away, not wanting him to see me cry...which I think I will once he told me he imprinted on some other girl.

"I am looking at her right now." Seth answered and let that sink in.

Huh? Looking at her right now? 


"M-me?" I stuttered in surprise, hoping that this is not a dream. 

Before I can say anything else, I felt a pair of soft lips kissing mine. I wrapped my hands around Seth's neck and smiled happily into the kiss.

 After awhile, I pulled away to see Seth smirking.

"'s really me, isn't it?" I asked, making sure.

Seth chuckled, "Yes, Miss Aimee. It's you. Would you like me to prove it to you again?"

I smiled brightly and nodded my head. "Yes, please. I would love that." 

Seth beamed and kissed me again intensely. I closed my eyes and wondered how I got so lucky to have Seth imprinted on me.

I really do love you, Seth...

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