Sunshine Heartbeat (Seth Clearwater imprint story) Ch 6

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Seth's POV

It was three in the morning and it's my turn on patrol...with Embry and Jake. I sighed, knowing that there will be questions waiting for me once I phased. I walked past Leah's room and couldn't help but push the door slightly open. Leah wasn't here since she is on patrol now. I peered in to see Aimee's beautiful sleeping face. I hesitated for awhile before going over to sit on her bedside.

I feel like a stalker...Watching her sleep like this...

I stroke her angelic face and wondering if it's appropriate to kiss her when she is asleep. However before I could decide, a wolf howl filled the air and I groaned, jumping out the window to join my dearest pack, who just interrupted my magical moment.

I ran and phased quickly.

What took you so long? Leah growled at me. I replayed the last few minutes to Leah, not really realising the other two is listening in.

Oh...then that's fine, as long as it's Aimee. Leah mumbled and left.

Before I could relax a little, another thought jumped into my mind.


HA! I knew it. You imprinted on Aimee. Knew It! No wonder you were pissed when I held her on my lap. Although, I must say her legs are quite sexy.

I bared my teeth at him and let out a low warning growl.

Got it, I 'm going...

I starting racing along the forest border, enjoying the cold wind that was hitting me in the face.


Yeah, Embry?

You imprinted on Aimee?

I slowed my pace and repeat the first hour with Aimee in my head. I smiled.

Yes, I am sure.

That's good. I am happy for you, Seth. Jacob joined our conversation.

Me too, bro. Embry said, wondering what it would be like if he imprinted.

It feels like...she is the only reason you are living and breathing and nothing else matter except for her...Aimee...she is amazing, I am so lucky I fo-

Sorry, but I have to stop you now or we will be listening to you for the next two hours. Embry suggested and continued running.

I growled, Just wait till you imprint...

Yes, Mr Clearwater.

Then, I continued dreaming about my perfect imprint, Aimee. I will have to tell her about the truth...soon, just don't know when.

I sighed and wondered if she will get scared and leave me all alone...

Aimee's POV

I woke up with sweats rolling down my forehead and was shaking badly. I ripped the blankets off me and rushed out the room. Wandering into the kitchen, I forced my hands to stop their violent shaking and poured myself a cup of warm water. Sipping the liquid slowly, I calmed down a little.

Stupid nightmare...when are you going to leave me alone?

I sobbed quietly as uncontrollable tears started running down my face, horrific images came flashing back, making me cry harder.

"Well done Aimee, you did a great job capturing the light. Let's end it here for now."

"Thanks, Dad. Want to have lunch here today?"

"Sure, hold my camera for me and I will get it from the car."

"Okay, Dad."

I held the camera securely, admiring the professional camera lens, thinking how great it would be if I have my own personal lens too.

When suddenly a loud screeching sound interrupted my thoughts...I looked up and saw a scene that will haunt me for the rest of my life.

I dropped the camera and rushed to the bloody body that was lying on the road.

"DAD! NO! Wake up, don't leave me by myself. I don't have anyone left, mum has already left can't leave me..."

"No...This is not real...It's not really happening..."

"NO, this is just a nightmare...!"

Seth's POV

I patrolled around the border until I saw my house in the distance and was tempted to see Aimee again. I went to her window and peeked in, searching for my sleeping imprint.

Gone...Not there.

My heart began racing and worrying thoughts entered my head.

Whoa, what's wrong? Slow down...

Embry, I...Aimee...she...she is not in the room...I am going to see if she's still in the house. Fill in for me, please.

No problem, you make sure Aimee is alright. Jake will understand.

Thanks Embry...

Don't worry, Seth. She will be okay.

...I hope so...

I phased quickly and ran into the house, hoping that Aimee would be safe.

Leah's POV

I heard the faint crying noises and stepped into the kitchen. All I could see was Aimee's back, her long black hair was messy and sitting by her side was a box of tissues. I was just about to walk up to her when I noticed Seth's head peeking through the window. I grinned and stepped back silently.

I will leave it to you then, little bro.

Seth's POV

I moved to the kitchen and found Aimee sitting near the table, crying. Watching my imprint sobbing all alone was just a torture for me. I walked up to her and placed my hands gently on her shoulder.


She turned around and a look of surprise, pain, and agony filled her once smiling face. She lowered her head and hid behind her hair.

I pulled a chair out and sat down next to her. If she doesn't want to tell me, then that's fine. But I am not leaving her by herself. I lifted her head up gently and wiped away the tears that were rolling down her beautiful face.


She stared at me with those teary dark brown eyes and buried her head in my chest, sobbing uncontrollably. She wrapped her hands around my neck and cried so hard that my heart was breaking along with her. I held her in my arms and whispered reassuring words in her ears until she fell asleep peacefully .

I stared at her innocent sleeping face and placed a gentle kiss on my angel.

I will be here for you no matter what...

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