Chap 4 Hades, Beloved brother

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Poseidon stood before his brother Hades in the deepest parts of hell. The god of the underworld, a brother amongst brothers sat in his throne amused.

"Poseidon, dear brother of mine. What brings you here? I would offer you water but under these circumstances well, you understand how that would be unfair for some."

A sick joke for the souls in hell who beg for water or ice. 

"Is she here?" Poseidon raised his head to look into his brother's eyes. 

For a long while both brothers stood in silence as Hades observed his brother.

Posidan to ask a favor from anyone is unheard of. Not even from his older brother Hades who raised Poseidon. 

A visitation from his brother? Never! 

There is only one reason why Poseidon would come to the underworld. 

A fish out of water jumping into a pit of lava. 

"The human has brought you nothing more but trouble. It would be best to let her soul rest." 

Poseidon's grip tightened on his trident as a clear nerve showed on his forehead. Calm, yet firly he asked once more. 

"Is she here?"

Poseidon intensively stared down at his brother. 

"Is the human really worth all this hassle? Brother, if you are to take her soul, understand she is to meet her death once more. It is simply just not worth your time." Hades warned Poseidon that even if he did bring you back alive, you would eventually die again. 

"How?" Poseidon demanded to know what would be the cause of your death.

"I will not say," 

Appearing before his brother his trident pierced the chair but there was no Hades. 

"Come now brother. Let us walk the lake of souls to find your beloved human." 

Hades stood before a cavity in the wall that had stairs going down. Pulling his trident out Poseidon followed his brother down to the rings of hell. What Posidan didn't have time for were these foolish games.

"Oh, I would offer the elevator but I would like us to catch up. Wouldn't that be great," he said sarcastically. 

Poseidon kept his gaze to the corners of the path looking at all the souls that reached out for a savior. Ignoring his older brothers blabbering.

Hades said you would die again. But it's unclear if the reason would have to do with you being human. Such as growing old. Being a human is already a disability in his realm. Poseidon's lip curled in disgust knowing your soul was mixed in here amongst the rest. 

"Here she is." 

Hades stood before a tree. "She's a tree in my ice forest." 

Poseidon's face grew with tension as he took long steps to close the space. Stepping on the many faces that created the soil beneath you. Gazing at your saddened face that was still and silent. 

Hades couldn't recall the last time he ever saw his brother show any concern over someone. Poseidon is the tyrant of the seas but to Hades, Poseidon is his spoiled baby brother.

"Her soul was loud when I captured it. Her final hours were nothing more but lonesome thoughts. She never forgave herself for what you did. She bled herself and allowed the sharks to feast on her. Little did she know just how agonizing her death would be. Luckily I was able to collect her soul and plant it here. I knew you'd come for her."

Poseidon reached out caressing your cheek. 

"Careful, she's so delicate she'll shatter. These trees will shatter. If her tree shatters there is no retrieving her soul. You know, before she met you she never once regretted the life she had. She was a mess like all souls. 

It was tough but she loved living.

Then you broke her. You broke her.

What she doesn't know is that those lives would have disappeared either way. Your tsunami was inevitable.

I tried to explain that nothingwould have saved her father and all those other lives. But she refused to accept it.
She begged me to take her back to the lands. She wanted to rescue as many as she could.

She said that nothing I say or show her will justify the countless souls stolen from their everyday lives. 

What did you do to her, brother? What did you show her? Humans aren't supposed to know the faith of others."

Poseidon's fist's tightened knowing what caused this. 

"I want her back." Poseidon stepped back from you expecting your soul to be returned to him. 

"No one gets to freely choose who they want to bring back."

Poseidon ignored Hades' words, keeping only silence. "Oh, you aren't asking me. You are demanding of me." A small mocking laugh escaped from Hades.

"Oh, little brother. So spoiled to get back what's yours. She ran away from you once and you left her with a burden of a hundred."

Hades reached out as the Golden bracelet he wore unraveled from his wrist. Poseidon stepped back as your body was being pulled out by the Golden string. 

"The Faith's seem to accept my request, they will return you back your human. She ran away this 2nd time into the arms of death. Truly this poor girls faith is to be with you. Since you won't let her escape. You won't let her live with her own kind. You won't even let her die..

You aren't giving her much of a choice."

Falling into Poseidon's arms he held you with care. Cradling you in his arms Hades could see just how far Poseidon was willing to go. 

"Would you have fought me brother? Were you willing to attempt to kill me?"

Poseidon didn't respond; it was just a shadow of assurance that covered his face.

"How odd. I understand." 

It's unimaginable the lengths his little brother would go through. Normally he doesn't bother with trivial matters. Poseidon willing to kill Hades for your small soul.

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