Chap 11 Fixation

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Poseidon sat alone in his throne chin resting on his knuckles feeling impatient, even at times anxious. "What could she be doing?"

No matter how hard he tried he couldn't shake you out of his mind. Trying to discipline himself from invading your privacy was beyond his understanding. Whatever Poseidon wants he gets. These thoughts raced through his mind of wanting to know where you were, what you were doing, and who you were with.

Posideon was shocked to find out he was a possessive man. Admitting to himself that he was overly obsessed with you, protective without measure.

His version of passion, possession, obsession, anger, fear, and solitude; it was far too much for a human to handle. The perception of you being weak wasn't in your character or physical figure. No, as a god he's aware of the sea's horrors, his brother of the underworld Hades knows true humanity.
Posideon enjoyed the death of lower beings. You are aware of that monster that hides beneath his beauty.

Posideon was admitting to being jealous of his brother. Hades held more of a connection to your humanity. This is probably why you would run to him even believing him to be your friend.

Pinching the bridge of his nose trying to clear his mind. At first he believed it was sexual desire for y/n. Now, he just couldn't stand that he needed you so much and that need brought unwanted compulsive behaviors.

The tapping of his finger on the wooden armrest filled the throne room. The unbroken rhythm of his leg bouncing up and down.
The face that once held soft angelic features with eyes of boredom were now tense and tight.

"This shouldn't be difficult." Gripping the armrest until the wood creaked restraining himself to be still. "How hard can it be for me to keep you out of mind?" Silence, for years he welcomed the silence into his life.
Years of solitary to mind his own routines of perfecting whatever he studied. Arts, war, and crafting were all to his liking. At times even reading what one calls romance or erotic novels.

He couldn't afford real passion with a human. All the gods' relationships have been shattered due the Gods laws of humans not being part of their (cosmetic) existence.
There were branches of basterds and demigods with very few earning the attention of their fathers. The women they bed are casted to the side. Their wives can be countless.

For so long he agreed with his kind. Enjoying the power he possessed, seeing no one to stand above him but his own brother Zeus. Poseidon held no color for others when he looked at them; it was merely looking at a black and white splatter paint. Not giving anyone the right to even be part of his thoughts, not even his own brother.

Killing his brother Adamas with no soul of love or memories of their childhood. To Posideon Adamas was a stain to the gods. Adams was the opposite of perfection, a smudge in comparison to the exotic beauty projected by the other gods, Adamas held no place. There was no love or trust from him.

Pushing himself off his chair to leave in search of a distraction, the books that were carefully memorized word by word were of no interest. Swimming, reading, training, and kingdom matters were all cut short. The attempt of distracting himself brought him nothing more but needles of agitation. Due to the size of his kingdom he expected not to occasionally see you.

Throughout the day he hoped to have at least ran into you or for you to have looked for him.

No longer wanting to wait for you to eat with him he roamed the kingdom asking around if anyone had seen you. His patience was running thin with his subjects. "No one seems to know where she is. I shouldn't have bothered with my useless subjects."

It's expected for you to be outcasted, no one cares for you being there. Everyone thinks of you as just a pet he brought up from the surface.

For him to rely on his subjects defeats the purpose of his ruling. It is expected of his subjects to keep an eye on what belongs to him.

"I'll get rid of them. She can't be unguarded."

His eyes glared at the maidens that walked past him after asking them if they knew where you were.

Not only did he feel foolish asking around for you. But no one knew where you were! Turning his back to the maids he could only stand and wonder where you were. It enraged him to be this desperate to see you. To have you close to him in his kingdom with his subjects. Yet he has lost you within these walls.

"She has the god of the seas asking for her. Is he not aware where she is?"

Tilting his head to the side he thought he heard them whispering.

"Oh, he looks like a lost little boy. Have you seen my human? I can't seem to find her. She has the great god of the seas looking for her like a lost child!"

"A bell would help her. Like a cat she'll ring everytime she moves. He'll never lose her again!"

Their cracking laughter shook something inside him.

Is this mockery!
From his subjects?

Something he's never heard of or dealt with. Everyone feared and admired him.

Looking over his shoulder he could only see the two maids walking side by side like if it never happened. Like if they never whispered to each other.
"Was it true?"

His eyes were widened with shock questioning if he heard right or if it was all in his head.

"Y/n, is not my pet..." gripping his trident tightly, feeling his blood boiling from their words.

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