Chap 14 To be mine lemon 🍋

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"I'm not really in the mood.." you said sadly even being cold to his touch. "Y/n my patience for you has thinned. After yesterday, your once rights of human privacy no longer exist in my eyes. I searched for you, even asking my subjects. It's clear to me now that the reason I couldn't find you was because Hades didn't want me to find you."

"Please just be reasonable with me." You felt his arm pulling you in close as he leaned his face in besides yours. Growling out each word through his teeth.

"I've been reasonable, with you."
Reaching up to caress his cheek with the tips of your fingers to sooth him, his lips nipped at them aggressively but playfully. It's crazy what he's saying. Hades had nothing to do with Poseidon not being to find you.

"Just, you kill as a way to force me to stay here. To obey you. It's childish. You don't respect me for who or what I am. There's no way for me to even tell the time but you are gone for hours. The people here hate me; they won't tell me where you might be. If I see you or not. With no one else around I called for Hades. I, I did want to leave. I wanted him to take me back to the surface. Back to my home. I'm not some pet... I'm not an object.."

Shifting his body to cage you beneath him, his eyes were steady on your face. Closing his hand on your neck his thumb pushed your chin back exposing your neck for his lips to slide against.

If he wanted to he could just kill you right now. You know this, in his hands you are nothing more than a toothpick

"I've attempted to fill in your requests as far as not to even punish my own subjects for not knowing where you were. For mocking you, mocking me. Making you feel this isolated."

Rolling your eyes it felt like talking to a brick wall. "It's no one's fault. I stayed. "

"So it's no one's fault. You can not tell me it's no one's fault, these are my subjects, my ruling. I have no need for them if they can not obey."

Poseidon blood boiled inside feeling like pins poking through his skin.

"If my useless subjects knew where you were. If they had just told you where I was. I would have known about Hades. You wouldn't have needed him. Clearly I need new subjects.
You don't need anyone.

Your home is here y/n do not summon for Hades, my brothers words are but dry promises. I've seen the way he looks into your eyes, his temptations can be projected through venomous words."

Shutting your eyes tightly, feeling his length between your legs shifting between your thighs. "Feel me y/n, I've promised not to hurt you. I'll find newer ways to make you understand your situation. Seems you don't."

Caressing your tender lips against his thumb waiting for you to speak. "You are so depraved, Poseidon I don't-" his lips closed onto yours while separating your legs his fingers rubbed against your sweet spot.

"You don't want me with you? That's not even an option when I'm capable of making you feel this way. Don't lie to me, don't lie to your body. I feel it too. The electricity that sparks inside me when you are with me. It's mine, you are mine."

Devilishly his tongue played with yours taking every corner of your mouth excitingly tasting you. The raw possessiveness of his words, his lips, the stroke of his finger rubbing inside you.

"I did not harm anyone." He whispered while passionately kissing you.

Roughly pushing his fingers in feeling your swollen walls mashing them. In and out making your body jolt in heat from each stroke. "I did not harm your precious mud walkers."

The roughness of his thumb playing with your clit made you reach down trying to hold back his wrist.

"Then where did you?" Trying to pull him back or at least slow him down. Just enough to make you think clearly.

A wide smile crossed his lips.
"I make you feel like this y/n." Removing his fingers from inside you. Licking the trail of juices from his fingers his cool hands roughly pulled your waist into him. "The next time I see my brother alone with you, I'll kill him."

Sliding his shaft inside easing himself inside Inch by inch seeing your face twist with the extreme heat burning in your veins.

Blood rushed through your head making your body numb and shaky. It was a jolt of electricity that courses through your body flooding all of your thoughts with just him.

It was intoxicating there wasn't any way of shaking him off. Not even remembering all the wrongs he had done. All you wanted was him.

To be continued Lemon tm ---->>>

To be continued Lemon tm ---->>>

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