Chap 12 Garden Serpent Hades

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Resting on the edge of a fountain with a dedicated statue of him, Posideon leaned his trident against his shoulder. Clearing his mind from the sound of the fountain a light conversation could be heard from the other side.

He ignored the faint voices attempting to clear his mind. Until a familiar laugh faintly echoed in his ear. Eyes wide open, warmth filled his heart to hear your sweet laughter. Finally hearing your voice after searching for you all day jolted him to his feet.

That sweet angelic laugh of yours wasn't like your normal laughter of being humored. No, this was you laughing from the softly spoken words of another.This laugh brought Poseidon on guard, not able to imagine who'd dare steal your sweet voice from him.

Who could possibly have you laughing like the way you were? This light conversation you were having with someone pinched a nerve in him but his ears could not make the voice. For him not to hear must mean someone is purposely speaking with a blocker. Someone didn't want Poseidon to hear their voice.

Impatiently walking over to the other side of the fountain the seconds felt like minute's. The fountain felt like a stretched road driving him to little patients. It dragged stone by stone testing his patience with every step.

Frozen in place, Poseidon's eyes reflected what he couldn't believe. Seeing Hades holding your hands in his. Your eyes were in wonder of the jellyfish that floated in your palms. "Won't it sting or die without water?" You asked curiously and amazed as to how this baby blue jellyfish with an orange core floated in your palms.

"No. As long as it's with you it'll live. It's beautiful isn't it? Such beauty does come with its own poison. "

Hades, held a certain look in his eyes they were taking in every curve of your face.

"Are you aware of the story of the forbidden fruit? There was a woman living in a garden. To the creatures of the night. She was a beauty of nature. Her king gave her all the wonders and riches of the world but forbade her from eating one fruit. She was tempted by a serpent into eating the forbidden fruit of the garden."

There was no way for him to just focus on you, no these eyes were lustful for your lips.

The longer Hades pinned his focus on you the more it looked as if he were melting into you. A lustful smile curved Hades lips pinching a nerve in Poseidon.

Hades leaned into you, wrapping his arm around your waist, his hand rested warmly by your shoulder. The radiation from his body heat caused you to flush redder than a tomato, shockingly looking up at him he was very collective and calm.

"Don't you think?" He leaned in whispering, wanting to feel the way his brother must feel.

"It must have been worth it all for just one bite." Hades whispered barely touching your lips before the end of Poseidon's trident smashed on the stoned ground. The jellyfish had exploded into stardust in your hands. The rage transferred into Poseidon's trident was strong enough to make his kingdom and the seas shake. Not too far away for his earthquakes to cause the tides to rise.

For his rage had no bound.

"Poseidon don't!" You pushed yourself away from Hades. "Don't!" Hades pulled you back only to receive a sharp sting against his cheek from your slap. Releasing you he watched you run toward Posideons. "Please don't kill anymore." You pleaded for your titans' rage to be controlled. Those ocean eyes of his never looked down to acknowledge you; they were like creamy white pearls.

"A snake in my garden dares to take what's mine."

"Your eyes deceive you little brother. I would never put y/n at risk. We all know how the story ends with the woman."

Poseidon's eyes didn't deceive him, this was unimaginable to him. The great loving brother Hades,

"You are never to return. I ban you from ever entering my domains. You are to never speak to her again."

Hades only seemed to keep a giant smile with his one good eye still staring at you.
Hades would leave but he is concerned of Poseidon harming you as he has in the past. There's no way he could leave you with Poseidon, not while he's this unhinged. Appearing right behind you Hades rested his hand on your shoulder to pull you back.

Posideon didn't hesitate to take it as a threat, grabbing hold of his brother's neck and digging his fingers into his jugular.

"Get your hand off her." Poseidon growled.

"No please! You are better than this! Don't kill your brother Poseidon!" You pleaded, smashing the side of your hands up against his chest unable to reach his face. Even if you were to, there wasn't much you could do.

Your hits were but wind on his skin.

"Listen to her brother. She's pleading with you."

Poseidon eyes slowly shifted to look down at your tearing face. "Please, stop. I'm here, Poseidon, I'm here." You can hardly even speak with your voice cracking the skin on your hands were bright red from beating on him.

"It was I after all who saw her first. I do still hold some concern for her safety."

Rage filled Poseidon's bones hsi body muscles expanding his grip to the bone. "My woman is not of your concern brother. You caused her this pain. I do not know of these games you wish to play, I'll have no part of it. Neither will she."

Hades smirked, resisting his brother's bone crushing grip. "Surely I spoiled my brother enough with love. But have you no love to spare for your woman? Leaving her here with you, will lead to another trip to the underworld. Spare her from your rage."

Raising his arm, your eyes reflected Poseidon's trident. Bringing down the trident once more to the already cracked stone. This 2nd one was strong enough to cause a cavity in the ground. The waves rose and you knew by looking into his eyes that he had caused an unfortunate event.

"Poseidon. You won't hurt me, I'm staying. I'm not going anywhere you said so yourself, didn't you?" you whispered his name while shaking. In between both gods you were but at their chest height.

"You caused her this pain." Poseidon's head shifted down to look at your shaking body. Releasing Hades throat leaving lines of bloody scratches. "I am a loving brother. I'm giving you the chance to leave my kingdom, don't come back, Hades."

Sliding the back of his hand against your cheek wiping away your tears so tenderly with his thumb.

"You aren't going anywhere.."

His focus now entirely on you the clouds in his eyes faded away. Revealing his sky blue eyes. Ensuring you, reminding you, that you are for no one's taking.

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