Chapter 80

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"It all looks great, there is nothing to be said for dismissing her. For the time being, continue to take the medication and make an appointment with your gynecologist. But take care of yourself a little more and take care of the stress level," the doctor taught me.

I rolled my eyes but agreed: "Me and my son will pay attention to this." Once again I rolled my eyes, knowing what was threatening me and didn't like it. I just wanted to be seen and treated as a normal person again.

"Well, then, the sister brings them the discharge papers. All the best to them and the twins, to you of course also Mr. Verstappen", we thanked and he left the room. As soon as the doctor was out of the room, I jumped up to pack my things. Jos looked at me with his eyebrow raised.

"What?", it just escaped me, "I can probably still pack my own things." Only my father-in-law seemed to see the whole thing a little differently, so he got up and stepped next to me and took my shirts out of his hand.

Seriously, he looked at me: "Keep resting, or would you rather stay here for a while?" Pouting, I lay back in bed, picked up my phone instead, as Jos wouldn't have let him talk to him anymore. So I went to Instagram instead to get at least some of my friends' lives. Even though we wrote to each other every day, it wasn't the same as it used to be, where we still met every night.

It wasn't until there was a knock at the door and the nurse came in that I raised my head: "Once the prescription for the drug and the discharge papers. Her maternity passport lists all examinations as well as the billing of the medication. All I need is an interruption and then they can leave." I hurriedly scribbled my name on the line for the signature and took all the papers and the mother's passport to me.

I kindly said goodbye to her and looked at Jos, who came out of the bathroom, asking, "Can we?" When he nodded, I jumped up and wanted to take my purse, but Jos took it too.

"It hasn't to be, I can still carry my bag. I'm not terminally ill, just pregnant," sighing, he gave me my purse. Satisfied, I walked out of the room in front of him into the long corridor of the hospital.

A few steps after the door, he walked next to me again: "Will we still make it to the race?"

"Do you really want to go to the track? We can also watch the race in the hotel", but I insisted on the track. Because I had already missed qualifying and practice, I wouldn't let the race rush, even if Jos won't like it. I was dismissed so there was no reason not to work.

We sat quietly in the car while Jos drove to the paddock: "I can still drive us to the hotel." I shook my head, even though the number of photographers made me a little nervous, I felt better thanks to the medication. I also hoped that they would comply with the request of Max and his employer.

After taking a deep breath, I left the car and ran in front of Jos to the Sicherheisschleuse. Behind this there was a lot going on, as it was not long until the race, so I should really go. But before that, I had to get rid of Jos because he would never let me go.

"I have to go for pregnant women, go to the box, I'll come right after", the race, I hung on in my thoughts. Luckily for me, he didn't say anything about it and let me go. When I was out of his field of vision, I changed my destination and went to the cabins.

I happily opened the door to our room, where Ralf looked at me with big eyes: "What are you doing here? Are you out of the hospital?" I nodded, as I was obviously out. Without getting into his other question or glances, I sat down in my seat.

"What will it be?", it came from him when I took my headphones in the hemp.

I looked at him just as questioningly, "What does it look like?"

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