Chapter 132

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Monza just wasn't Max's weekend, he also had to admit defeat by his teammate who finished 6th and my boyfriend 8th. Accordingly, the mood of the Dutchman had been after the race.

We went straight back to the hotel, where he had just laid down in bed and pulled me to him. The next day we did not fly home, but to Paris, because not far from the city the funeral of Anthoine would take place the next day. Many drivers had come here with us.

"Do we want to go to the Eiffel Tower?", we were walking through the city, Daniel, Lando, Charles, Charlotte, Pierre and Caterina were with us. Jessi had to go back to Switzerland because she had to be back at university today. At least Lando didn't feel completely left out.

Caterina seemed enthusiastic about Max's idea, but for me it was limited: "Oh please, this is going to be so romantic." I doubted it a bit, because we probably had to get on the thing and I was discreetly afraid of heights.

"Well then," Max took my hand, "let's look for the thing, it shouldn't be that difficult with the size." In fact, we found it very quickly. The view from below was enough for me to know that I didn't want to go up there.

Daniel, on the other hand, probably found it fascinating: "Come on, we can't just stand here in front of it and take pictures. We have to go as high as we can." In my eyes, we didn't have to, the photos were enough. But I was the only one in the view, which is why I was simply dragged along.

Thanks to their status, we didn't have to queue and were able to go straight into the lift up to the hotel. With wobbly legs, I got out of the elevator and held on tightly to my boyfriend's arm.

"Are you all right?" he looked down at me. Hesitantly, I nodded and tried to keep my breath steady and steady, not so easy at the altitude. He wasn't completely convinced, but still went closer to the railing with me as a burdock on his arm.

My legs were really shaking now and I closed my eyes, I didn't dare to look anywhere but at Max's arm. I just wanted to get back down to the safe ground. There was a good reason why we humans lived on the ground and couldn't fly, by nature. We just belonged on safe ground.

"Hanna?", Charlotte had stepped next to me, "Shall we go down again?" She seemed to be the only one who noticed my fear of heights. Everyone else was thrilled by the view and wanted to go even further up the stairs. At least, that's what Lando just suggested.

"Hanna and I go back downstairs, the stairs are no longer so easy for them to manage and waiting here is also boring. We'll go to a café to wait for you. I'll send the location to you," the last one she said to her boyfriend.

Max looked at me worriedly, as I was still clutching his arm: "I can go down with her too, then you can go up with the others." Charlotte shook her head and was probably glad that she didn't have to go any further up.

"No," she said, "Go ahead, I've been up there before, enjoy the breathtaking view with the others." Breathtaking hit it very well in my case, because I didn't even dare to do this.

"Is it okay with you?" the Dutchman asked me. I nodded quickly, not wanting to hold him back just because I was about to pee my pants. Charlotte held out her hand to me so that I could carefully change my grip from Max over to the Monegasque.

So we split up, the others went to the stairs, and Charlotte led me back to the elevator. For me, the ride down couldn't go fast enough because my legs felt like pudding.

I exhaled in relief when I had solid ground under my feet, I would have liked to kiss the ground, but that would probably be a bit exaggerated. Still hooked up with her, we walked through the park to a cozy little restaurant on the outskirts. There was a lot going on here as well, but no one spoke to us.

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