Chapter 22

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The weekend had passed far too slowly, even though Laurent, Greg, Jessi and Gian had come to visit. Of course, I had told them about the news of the racer, unfortunately they could understand him only too well. I was to blame myself and I was aware of that.

On Monday there was actually a meeting with us moderators and our team, where I was supposed to get the questions for Lewis, but I couldn't go. Nicely, they had decided to just get me via a video call so that I would get the information. Best of all, I didn't have to get up at five o'clock in the morning to be in office on time at 9 a.m. I couldn't get up until just before eight o'clock and get ready. So that no one could see my unmade bed and pile of clothes, I went to my father's office.

I had to wait there until I was called by Thomas and then everyone could see: "Good morning Hanna, how are you? You scared us, what happened?" I was a little uncomfortable when everyone was so worried and wanted to know what had happened.

"Tomorrow, according to the circumstances, everything is good. I got away with bruises on my right hand and ribs and a slingshot trauma. The doctor said I was very lucky because I drove head-on into a tree, luckily, I wasn't really on the gas yet. I wanted to turn out of the roundabout onto the country road home and I probably had a second's sleep, which had ended with a collision in a tree", so the topic was done for the time being.

We waited until everyone was there before we could finally start: "Tomorrow all together, in case you ask yourself why Hanna is on the screen behind me. She had an accident and is supposed to be spared so that she can get on the plane tomorrow and come to Shanghai. If you want to know more, you can still ask them, but now on the important things. As we discussed last Wednesday, we will fly tomorrow..." More or less attentively I followed what was discussed, but actually a lot of things were of interest to me, but I was not quite fit.

"Can you get into a race car with your injuries?" I was a little surprised to see the recording manager. It probably wouldn't be pleasant for me, but I wouldn't take the chance to ride a racetrack with Lewis Hamilton. Which is why I immediately giving the OK, I probably wouldn't get such a chance again so quickly. I wasn't a Hamilton fan, but I respected him and his success.

Thomas nodded: "In the afternoon you will be able to do an interview with the two RedBull drivers and welcome the first team leader to our quiz." I didn't know if I was looking forward to the interview with Max, because after all he didn't seem to want to see me anymore. Jessi had ripped my ass open when we were alone. With the help of Victoria, I want to try to make it good again, because if all this had something good, then I was sure that I needed the Dutchman in my life. Crass how important someone could become in such a short time.

"Then we'll see you in tomorrow or in Shanghai and please without any further accidents," Thomas concluded. Even though I had left our video chat, I stayed at the PC. Because I still had to print all the statistics and typed my little note into a Word document so that I could keep the topics safe for transmission. I always stored documents in a cloud so that I could access them with my mobile phone at any time.

Since it was already noon, I quickly put a pizza in the oven and immediately set a timer, as I set out to look at statistics of the last years of Shanghai and study. It struck me that Lewis was almost always won or on the podium apart from a year. Vettel, too, seemed to be on the track, generally only a three-fight with the dominance of Mercedes followed by Ferrari and Red Bull.

With the pizza I made myself comfortable on my bed and watched as many videos about Formula 1 as possible. The last ones weren't really helpful but were funny to watch. But I realized that laughter didn't hurt my ribs, so I preferred to watch last year's race from China. I wrote down things like overtaking. Even when I actually had a break, my head was mostly at work, as I always felt I had a thousand things to do.

In the afternoon I had looked at editors' questions for all three interviews and changed one or the other. Especially when There was talk of a possible affair with a Dutch model at Max, I had become bad. If so, max was right, but I didn't want to know. Basically, I was able to date other men, because I owed nothing to the Dutchman, after all, we were not a couple.

As much as I wanted to focus on numbers and drivers afterwards, I couldn't. I constantly imagined max meeting the model in Monaco. I really believed that there was something bigger than a flirt between us. Maybe I should cancel the planned dinner in Shanghai, I would probably just embarrass myself in front of the Red Bull driver, because it was probably only a game for him.

After a moment of reflection, I dialed a number: "Hanna what's there?" I could feel the smile of the blonde on the other side through my mobile phone, which only made it even harder for me to blow off our plan. Especially because I knew that would not do this without asking. Eventually, she had her contacts played to arrange the whole thing, which I was really sorry for.

"We should cancel the food," I didn't even get any further. The smile had died on the other side of the line and confusion had spread to Victoria. Immediately the Dutchwoman wanted to know the reason, which I told her more or less directly. In the end, however, she understood what I wanted to say, but she could only shake her head.

One could hear Max's sister sitting down and taking a deep breath: "There is no other Hanna, he is just talking about you. Do you know how hard it is not to tell him about the food when he calls me constantly and moans his ears full. You will go through this; my future nieces and nephews will still thank me." I wasn't so sure, after all, his message sounded pretty dismissive.

"He also has no desire to play Hanna. You constantly reject it as soon as it is one step closer. My brother has been messed up often enough, so he's careful. Rejecting and ignoring your constant is scaring him. I know my brother well enough to tell you that he was about to fly to you when he saw the accident pictures. If you really want to cancel the food, I do, but then leave my brother alone and stay away from him," Victoria explained.

In my head I let go of all sorts of scenarios, but none was as bad as a life without the racer: "Then let's hope you can tell your nephew and niece about it one day." Relief could be heard at the other end. She had struck a hard tone at the end, but she probably wouldn't have let it end that way. She may be the younger of the two Verstappen's, but she wasn't blind and knew what people in love looked like.

"Oh, that's me and little tip, put on hot underwear," I was uncomfortable with. She was his sister, even though she helped me, she didn't have to mix into my sex life. Not that I wouldn't have one, at least in recent years. Admittedly, I was also afraid that I might not be good enough for Max. After all, he seemed to have had enough women in bed to know what he wanted. I was still quite inexperienced, because I had only let one man go, and it never felt fantastic with him.

When I came out of my thoughts into here and now, all I heard was the tutting on the other side. That's why I lay down and started packing everything and getting my room in order before my parents and Leon came home. Together with my family I was still having dinner, which was difficult at the moment. The atmosphere wasn't exactly good since Mum knew about my plans to leave and had submitted them to my father. My brother was the only one who behaved normally, and he liked to annoy me.

"What do you think for how long do you have to surrender your ID and how high the buses are? When I think with a few thousand you can count on and then another new car, that will be expensive sister," I looked annoyed to my brother. Dad had looked at him astonishingly, but my parents didn't say anything. That's why my brother kept looking at me provocatively.

At first, I didn't want to do the favor and go into it, but I couldn't resist: "Grow up for the first time and earn money yourself before you want to talk about such things. Because I can at least do something like that without running to mum and dad." That was the end of the food for me, because I was no longer hungry. Sometimes I was really annoyed at how tightly my brother was pushed in the ass. We both knew that he was my parents' favorite, so he always got everything he wanted. I, on the other hand, always had to earn the things or buy them myself as now.

Before I retreated to my room, I quickly went to the bathroom, so I could just lie in bed. Nicely, Laurent offered me to drive me to the airport because I can no longer do it myself. So, I wrote again with the ice hockey player so that tomorrow everything would work out, and we were early enough. Since I knew my buddy only too well, I had sat down with him at 7 o'clock so that he was with me at half past eight. Laurent had a chronic half an hour delay illness, if he comes on time, it's a century of event.

"Everything is ready for Thursday evening, just have to get my brother into the restaurant. It's all going to be perfect, so hopefully he'll make a request right away," Victoria wrote to me. The last part I thought was a bit exaggerated, if we could only figure out what was between us, would be a success. Inside, I actually knew, but I just didn't want to name it because it scared me.

I was really very grateful to his sister for the help, because without her, I would never have made it, which Of course I wrote to her. Immediately the Dutchwoman came back online, and we started writing not only about her brother. So, I also learned that she had a boyfriend and was probably just designing a new collection. Since she would be in Munich for press meetings during the week between Shanghai and Baku, we decided to do something together. So, I wouldn't be quite alone if I had to stay in the German city. I could only go home for a while if I had two days off, otherwise I would look for a hotel. Because without a car it was impossible to commute, which brought Victoria to an idea.

"We could go to the apartments to look at, I love doing this and also setting up. If you want, I can help you with that, I'm so happy to do it," the blonde seemed to be very excited. Since it was a perfect time, I sent her thumbs up. It didn't take long since she bombarded me with advertisements of apartments full, but they were partly too big and expensive for me. But the blonde didn't let it get away from her and just kept going. So, I just put my phone on the charging cable and switch to silent. I couldn't explain where she had so many apartments in such a short time. But I wouldn't deal with it anymore, because I would have to get up early enough. Without wishing my family a good night and saying goodbye, I fell asleep in my bed.

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