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"It's a charity gala, Tony."


He stated, whilst drilling holes into the ceiling.

"Then take someone who isn't boring. If it seems so bad, I'll go with you." Pepper tried to reason with him but failed miserably.

"But you're boring."

He jumped down from the chair and just before Pepper could scold him, Aphrodite came running down the stairs, dragging Peter along behind her.

"Aphrodite! I'll take Aphrodite!"

"No, she's too young - it would be inappropriate."

"But it wouldn't be appropriate to go with my assistant?"

That silenced the woman for a moment and gave the two teens a chance to speak.

"Mr. Stark! I did it! I got into MIT!"

He held up an acceptance letter and Aphrodite slightly squealed and squeezed Peters hand a little tighter.

"proud of you, kid. You did good." He gave him a fatherly pat on the shoulder before Peter ran off to tell the rest of the group.

Aphrodite went to join him but was called over by Tony.

"What's up?"

"There's this charity gala thing tomorrow night, and it seems very boring but if you're up for it.. it might be fun?"

He practically muttered the sentence but still, she accepted the offer and ran off to find Peter.

—-|the next day|-—

Aphrodite slipped on her dress and grabbed the heels out of her wardrobe, tossing them on the bed next to Yelena, and then sitting down to do her makeup.

"I can't believe you're going on a date with Tony. He's so old."

Yelena states, whilst taking a bite out of a cookie.

"Can you not get crumbs on my bed?" She turned back to the mirror and started to put her earrings on. "And It's not a date; it's a charity gala."

"Do you even know what a charity gala is? Because I don't."

"Nope. But I've been promised food, so.."

Yelena chuckled quietly for the next few minutes while Aphrodite started to question if this was a bad idea.

She pulled on her heels and said goodbye to Yelena before rushing down the stairs to see Tony waiting outside, standing by the car.

When she walked out he was speechless. He couldn't take his eyes off her for a moment and froze up when she came near him.

"Wow." Was all that he could say, before opening the door for her and rushing round to the drivers seat and starting the car.

It was a 20 minute drive, so Tony turned on the radio and to Aphrodite's luck, her favourite song was playing.

Tony could see the change in her mood when it started playing, she no longer looked uptight and nervous, but a little more relaxed and had a slight smile on her face as she listed to the music.

"You like this song?"

"It's my favourite."

She said, whilst rolling down the window and looking out at the streets of New York.

They sat in comfortable silence for most of the journey and Tony came round to open the door for her once they had parked.


"Why thank you, kind sir." She did a little courtesy and took his arm as they walked in.

She immediately understood what he mean when Tony called it boring. He went to talk to older acquaintances, leaving her sitting at a random table with some 12 year old who kept talking about his grandfather dying and him inheriting all of his money.

Thankfully for Aphrodite, a Raven haired girl came over, muttering something or other about the grandfather being accused of S.A. back in '84, which shut him up for a while.

The girl had pale skin and looked a little older than Aphrodite, wearing a black suit and a very unimpressed expression on her face.

The two started at each other for a few moments before the mystery woman seemed to recognise the avenger.

"Holy shit, you're Aphrodite Black! You're like the coolest avenger!"

"Wow, thanks-"

"I'm Kate, Kate bishop. My mom is the one hosting this. I'm a huge fan. Could you sign my bow?"

"I'd love to-"

She chuckled and the they engaged in conversation for a while before Aphrodite felt eyes on her.

She looked around and saw Tony, staring at her with dark eyes and a glass of wine in his hand.

"Excuse me," she smiled at Kate and walked over to Tony.

"How's your night been?"

"Terrible. You abandoned me to talk to some lanky old men."

"You made a friend though, I know her mother, Eleanor Bishop.She's rich."

Aphrodite hummed in response and took Tony's glass out of his hand, downing it and handing it back to him.

"That was a sipping wine-"

"Tastes the same to me."

"Hang on, you're not even old enough to drink-"

By the time he had said that, she had snuck off somewhere with Kate.

appentence  //t.starkWhere stories live. Discover now